Hi there, I had a post too on my Asus ROG Strix H370-F that suddenly had left postin'. I tried everythin' which is ever recommended and then I took it to a Repair shop, that guy had 4 days in it still no fix, no ez debug light nothing at all but fans and Mobo rgb lights were working... So the Mobo wasn't heatin' up the CPU. Then what I did was I had a WD-40 lying in my shelf I took it out and completely sprayed WD-40 all over the motherboard... Filled the CPU socket with it as well and I put the mobo in the sunlight but couldn't get it dried idk why, it's still full of WD-40 all over the board... I powered it and hurray it worked lol... Ez debug lights were up and then I put it in the rams cpu stuff and stuff but it's over voltagin' idk why, the bios shows 3.1 volts on CPU and the same thing in hwmoniitor but PC been working fine since last night and it's still working... CPU fans are spinning so fast... Help me understand the situation what should I do? Use the PC or save my i5+8600K and keep it shut.
Image1 Bios: https://ibb.co/TvPZJTx
Image2 Hwmoniitor: https://ibb.co/KD5p7dd
Image1 Bios: https://ibb.co/TvPZJTx
Image2 Hwmoniitor: https://ibb.co/KD5p7dd
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