
Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?)

I'm interested to hear from you people who bought the full game. How
is it? Does it go far beyond the demo in terms of units and enemies
and the world?

-Dan Damouth


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?)

Daniel Damouth wrote:

> I'm interested to hear from you people who bought the full game. How
> is it? Does it go far beyond the demo in terms of units and enemies
> and the world?
> -Dan Damouth

IIRC the demo has all the weapons apart from Armour. The demo level was
Mine, IIRC all your own unit types are there. There are more enemies in the
full game.

Buy it. Support a small indie developer with an original bone in their body.
It's fantastic, very addictive.