[SOLVED] Display Ports on graphics card suddenly not working

Jan 4, 2021

A few weeks ago my monitor started to turn black for a second and get back on. A few days later it didn't go on anymore. I thought it was the cable so I ordered a new one. Also with the new cable is the problem still there. My monitor is connected with a DP to HDMI cable.

Me and my friend did some test to see if it is the graphics card or maybe just a Windows update bug. First, we reinstalled the NVIDIA drivers. Then we put my graphics card into his computer to see if it is working on his. But still, it doesn't work. We later on tried to connect it directly to a DP input on one of his monitors. And that's the only time that it popped on.

So here a short list of my problems.
  1. My monitor doesn't work on the graphics card with DP to HDMI but it will work on HDMI directly onto my motherboard.
  2. Only a DP to DP cable will work and not with a converter.
  3. It can't be a Windows or NVIDIA bug because my friend is on an earlier version.
  4. The problem is on different computers. So it's not the computer.

My computer specs:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU
32,0 GB RAM
Windows 10 Pro version 20H2
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti (with the latest updates)

I hope that some of you can help me with this difficult problem.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Make and model of your display? Did you use DDU to uninstall your GPU drivers? Did you reinstall the latest drivers manually after downloading from Nvidia's support site, in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator?

A link to the cable/adapter you purchased? You will need an active adapter. Make and model of your PSU and it's age? Make and model of your motherboard? Latest BOS for said motherboard?