Does a core i3 2100 need a cpu cooler in haf932 ( Not OCing)


May 19, 2012
Hey, guys... the title says the question.. so does a core i3 2100 really need a cpu cooler.. I'll not be OCing my cpu

I have haf 932 amd edition casing and my gpu is hd 7850 and also is it necessary that i install another 120m fan on the top for cooling. The haf 932 amd edition has one 230 mm fan on the top , one on the front and a 140mm fan in the rear :)

OK thanx or ur help..... and as mcnumpty said i don't need an extra 120mm fan on the top, do i?
Whether you're OCing or not is can't OC the i3-2100 by any significant fraction. As long as you run a CPU at stock speeds, the cooler it comes with (unless it's OEM) will be fine for the job.
The HAF 932 offers excellent cooling with the stock fans. No additional fans are needed.

As others have said... Yes, you need to put at least the cooler that comes with the i3 2100. Nothing else is needed.
without the stock cooler attached correctly, it will overheat quick and shut down...

i know, because i have the same processor and one part of stock cooler wasnt attached to the board snuggly and it happened to me

to be honest the paste that comes on stock cooler is better than some after market pastes but that isnt really saying much

as a test carried out and mayonaise and lipstick beat some
Well guys i actually bought a haf 932 amd edition and instead of getting a core i3 2100 i bought a core i3 2120.

Unfortunately the rear 140 mm fan was broken so im gonna ask for replacemet but if i don't get the replacement which is a common thing in my city :lol: ( u sell a bad product and don't even replace it, damn ma country ) so im gonna install a 120mm fan in its place which is 2000 rpm while the 140mm was 1200 rpm, so will i notice a difference in cooling????????.

will the cooling increase or decrease,???? And BTW is core i3 2120 better than 2100??

I've got two 120m fans here tell me which is better

edit: is there a way to fix the fan , can't find a 140mm fan. Yeah, the broken part, the fan is all right but four long sticks which connect the fan to the frame are broken.

A 120mm 200RPM fan will probably be a lot louder than a 140mm at 1200RPM, but it will probably have greater airflow than the 140mm 1200RPM fan as well. The i3-2120 is slightly faster than the i3-2100. The i3-2120's stock fan is still enough, no need for an after-market fan, just make sure that you use that stock fan.

The Coolermaster pumps more air and is quieter so it's better... not a big fan of sleeve bearings though.