I'm looking to upgrade my sound, been putting it off for years, from my current set up of a pair of ATH M30's and onboard/integrated audio with no dedicated sound card. What I have found to be possibly the best choices are below.
- beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 80 Ohm Over-Ear Studio Headphones https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0016MNAAI/?coliid=I2M38YPWAM2YBM&colid=1B6VPGZ35GN6E&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1
- FiiO E10K USB DAC and Headphone Amplifier https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LP3AMC2/ref=ask_ql_qh_dp_hza
- Another pair that seemed possibly good are the M50x, but I could not get clear info on whether they could output good bass or not, with some saying tons and others saying barely any. Would they be a better pick?
- There is a choice between Ohms, I went with 80 based on a reviewer suggesting around that much, but there is a 250 option as well.
- I assume higher Ohms means more bass? Is 250 something that is overkill and would require a massive AMP?