
Jan 29, 2013
I was wondering if my computer could run dual monitor with out any issues.
my computer specs are as followed:
CPU- i7-3770k
GPU- GTX 660 Ti
Ram- Corsair Vengeance 8 gb
Harddrive- 1TB

If i need add more specs please tell me. I always was wondering how to optimize my display settings for my GPU.
Your system can very easily run two monitors.
Only one for gaming right?
Just make sure its a monitor with a DVI or HDMI or DP input. One need to be digital input capable or you will need a converter.
yes only for gaming. I want one screen to display the game with the other displaying other things. My current monitor im using a HDMI cable, i can also use another HDMI cable for the other monitor aswell right?

Yes that is fine. In this game any screen connection will work. LOL