Question Enabling page file in windows 10 makes boot time go from 9secs to 55secs.


Jan 28, 2017
Hey guys, I have a laptop with i5-9300h, 1650 gpu and 16gb dual channel ram..
My problem is, that if I keep my windows page file disabled, the boot time is usually under 10 secs but If I have a page file with system managed size, my boot time becomes really slow, upto a min (the circle thing keeps rotating)..
I cant keep the windows page file disabled as it gives me low memory error in gta 5..

btw it gives me a low memory error with around 60% usage only..any idea why?I mean why isnt it using all 16gb of memory and just crashing the game at 60%
I think windows update have caused some corruption, or maybe I checked some wrong option, I think ill reinstall windows, would you reccommend installing from a usb or using the built in reset your pc tool?