I hope if someone can shed the light on the fact about ESD Safe electric air blowers ... are they really safe to be used to clean PC interior parts (e.g. motherboard, graphics card ... etc.)?
An example about one of the advertised products:
We need some really trusted info about this subject, since the risk is truly unbearable If something goes wrong.
Please no need to send the usual advice about using canned compressed air for PC cleaning, I will never use them. They are totally impractical and extremely expensive (considering the amount of air contained in each can, and so the number of cans required for each cleaning session, especially in dusty areas).
Appreciate your input.
I hope if someone can shed the light on the fact about ESD Safe electric air blowers ... are they really safe to be used to clean PC interior parts (e.g. motherboard, graphics card ... etc.)?
An example about one of the advertised products:
We need some really trusted info about this subject, since the risk is truly unbearable If something goes wrong.
Please no need to send the usual advice about using canned compressed air for PC cleaning, I will never use them. They are totally impractical and extremely expensive (considering the amount of air contained in each can, and so the number of cans required for each cleaning session, especially in dusty areas).
Appreciate your input.