Exploring Below Ambient Water Cooling

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I think 'somebody' should set us up a seminar so a few of us nutters can get together and build something special, I wonder if any cooling companies are willing to pay us to get drunk and chill Pc's hehe
Thanks again for the testing Ry, all of it, not just this last part,
You have the workshop (and time) I need lol
Moto, If it had been a successful testing it would have been worth it my friend, because size wise it was very convenient!

The little 60mm server fan on the copper heat sink was extremely irritating though! :pfff:

There's a good reason they put servers in closets and rooms by themselves! :non:

When I dropped the rpms to even a tolerable level the hot side was reaching around 170f and that's way too hot! :pfff:

The fan running wide open dropped the hot side down to 130f, but getting it down to 120f was out of reach for the little fan. :heink:

Anyway all's well that ends well! :bounce:

It sure is not the end of my fanatical experimentation, 😀 seeing as how I have the peltier and 2 additional water blocks, 😗 but my experimentation will continue in the direction of what I already know works! 😛

:hello: Ry
Peltier/TEC cooling my CPU has successfully been in operation over 7 months now.

I was just looking back over the thread to the point the peltier cooling first became just an idea, to the changes it has evolved into today.

It's amazing to look back and see just how far this water cooling adventure has come!
That's what I told myself after going through all your pages, skipped a few as most of the post were long. I actually stuck around most of the pictured post 😛

To say the least - it was an amazing adventure, however all journeys come to an end at some point, this was just the tip of the iceberg as you're now cracking onto a smaller form factor incorporation of the TEC's.

I'm yet holding out to see how small this setup can get :)

^ If my build log was impressive, your's would be Epic like how dinosaurs were an epic discovery 😛

The curiosity is as bad as ever, the desire to discover is also as bad as ever, but the experimenting finances have come to a screeching halt for the time being!

So hold out, but don't hold your breath! :pt1cable:

My XSPC pump died yesterday supplying circulation to my GPU Rads, the GPU water blocks got so hot you couldn't touch them.

Thankfully I had a backup pump but it would not work with the XSPC pump/reservoir so I had to do some Ry Magic!

Anyways I'm BIB, with Thankfully, no apparent GPU damage!
Just if anyone is interested last month i managed to finish the watercooled chair and it works quite well. Just have to work on a cover for the bottom to hide the power supply, heatsink and res and it will be done.

Also working on a heating side for winter something involving the fish tank heater and a plastic container. The tube will run through the container which will be filled with water with the heater so I'm hoping by heating the outside of the tubing it will heat the water inside.
I'm running anti freeze with water but I can smell the anti freeze only just though is there a substitute I could use? I was thinking just running vodka through it :)

how much antifreeze are you running per gallon? 50% mix? 25,10% you really shouldnt need much at all
Are you running anti-freeze because you didn't modify the water block flow?

Or is the water temperature itself actually getting down to freezing temperatures?

I don't see how the water temperature could get that low with just 1 peltier in the loop versus the heat trade off the chair brings back to the loop, with an uninsulated pump enclosed reservoir.

Unless you made some changes since your last pictures?

You must be using anti-freeze to keep the water block from freezing?
great job by the way on this project, it really does look nice and the preformance is top notch.

lots of good info here, that i will apply to my build, thanks in advance for that by the way, but I will take a diffrent approch and try and achive the same results, but if all else failes, copy exact always works. :lol:
Hi all!

It's been a while since I posted any new info so I figured I'd post my latest gaming results regarding temperatures and such.

Been playing Crysis 3 one notch below the maximum settings with the 580GTXs in SLI, the GPUs are radiator cooled and at a 24c ambient room temperature the highest recorded temperature was 43c, vs stock air at 80c.

CPU wise, gaming is the only time that I run the 2nd peltier, and the 2700Ks load temperature overclocked to 4500mhz was 31c, with a 13c water temperature, which is 11c below the ambient.

This setup is running great GPU/RadBox and CPU/TecBox cooled, the GPUs literally run half their original load, and the CPU even on one peltier never reaches ambient room temperature.

I'm still contemplating future performance improvements along with shrinking the entire cooling solution down, but right now it's working so well I hate to even consider messing with it.

Hope you all are doing well! Ry
Hey guys

Sorry to jump in with something off topic again but not sure where else to ask and get the help I get here.

Since winter is coming up i have made plans to add a heated side to my water cooled chair but im stuck on one part. I am after some sort of Y splitter solenoid vavle if it exists. At the moment its setup as: Water pump/tank > TEC> cooper pipe in the chair > water pump/tank. To add the heated side i need to by pass the TEC so i was thinking of getting 2 Y splitters with the valves used for garden hoses ( I think for memory Ryan used them on the icebox setup) but i would have to take off the covers and change manually.

Is there such thing as a Y splitter solenoid im assuming if there is such a thing it would have 2 sets of wires and which ever side had the voltage it would be open or closed. I have tried doing some research while at work now but i cant find anything. Another option would be getting 4 single solenoids and 2 normal plastic Y splitters from a normal W/C setup.

I hope you can understand what im trying to do if not i can quickly draw something in MS paint or try to explain it better.

Anyone know if you can buy a Y or F splitter with the solenoid valves built in? I cant find anything on google about one.

I did some looking for you and that's why I suggested what I did!


If you're not satisfied with my suggestion, that's what Google is for!

But prepare yourself, what you want is in the industrial quality range, and a price heart attack is coming your way! :)

Edit: ^^^ That came across kinda rude after rereading it, I didn't mean it that way!

I had done quite a bit of research before my recommendation to you, and I can be a cranky a$$ at times anyway! :lol:

Cue the howler monkeys! :)