Question Fan hub sync to the CPU fan


Dec 15, 2018
Hi guys!

I need help with fan connectivity.
If i buy any fan hub (for example a DEEPCOOL SC790), and i connect the fan hub to the motherboard secondary cpu fan header (in this case "water cooling CPU fan header" on a H370 AORUS GAMING 3 MBO), all the fans connected to the hub will react to the cpu fan speed?
So basically i want all the case fans rpm adjust to the cpu fan rpm automatically, in % of course.
This gonna be work like this?

Thank you for any help!

Simple answer, yes, it'll operate at the same speed as the CPU_FAN, though please keep in mind that the fans need to be PWM. You will need to go into BIOS and then set a fan curve for the CPU_FAN/CPU_OPT.
A few other items you should ensure are set correctly on that header you use. IF it is the CPU_OPT header, you will not have to set the temperature sensor it uses - that will always be the one inside the CPU itself. Also, the "fan curve" for that header WILL be the same one the CPU_FAN header uses, so no likely adjustment needed. BUT if you use the SYS_FAN3_PUMP header, you should ensure it is set to use the CPU temp sensor, and not the mobo one. Then you will need to set its "fan curve" identical to what the CPU_FAN header is using.

As Lutfij said, you need to be using only 4-pin PWM type fans, and the headers all should be set to PWM Mode, not to Voltage Control Mode (mobo manual p. 29).

That Hub has six pairs of output ports, each pair being one for the fan motor and one for its lights. One set is marked for the CPU cooler which you will NOT use for that function. (I assume from your post that you will connect the CPU cooler system to CPU_FAN, and only the case vent fans to this Hub.) In this case, you must connect one of those case fans to the Hub's PWM_ CPU port because only that port will return to the mobo header the speed of its fan.
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