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also, i am now going to fold on a pentium m 1.4ghz laptop during the day now. is that good? (i know its only a single core laptop but its quiet so my mom may not notice its running! :)

oops... my mistake :pfff:. Seems my brain just isn't working today. Did that in my head and...well my math was off...
4 minutes per % X 100 / 60 = 6.6 hours(not ~24), I was so close wasn't I? lol

The CPU client takes about 6.6 hours to complete on my comp(that's better 😀 ).

Well, the all very. With my fastest laptop (Pentium dual core 2.1ghz), a WU can very between 15 to 30 hours. Maybe your computer can get it done faster, although you'll have to test out the client with a WU or 2 to gauge how fast your computer can process the WU.

As for which WU you should work on, I would have to say core_A3 WU as they seam to be the only one my computer can get (have to set is to -advmethods to get them). Reason why is due to there a WU shortage for SMP.

Also if you complete 10 A2/A3 WU's, you'll get bonus points (if you have a passkey)

Now if you cant have the SMP client going due to time, You could always run 2 single core clients. Only problems with this is,

You'll need to have 2 separate clients in 2 different folders. (2 clients in the same folder is a bad idea as 1 client can delete the other clients work.

You'll need to have 2 different machine ID (so the F@H severs dont get confused.)

Last, You will not get as many points but they do run quicker.

Gpu not compatible. 😉
well, i have given up folding on the athlon 64 x2 system after all because i realized the one or two hours a day its gonna be on is pointless. i have rigged up that laptop so it can run all day! and no, i dont have a passkey. how do i make one?
Joined with the same user name that Tom's.

Just have a question: This use some space on my HD?, and if that is correct. How many space use?. I ask to change that partition installation of the program or leave in the current partition.

PC 1: Phenom II X4 955 3.2GHz, GTX260, 4GB RAM
PC 2: Xeon X2 2.8GHz, nVidia Qadro FX, 4GB RAM

Maybe can add more.

Welcome to the team! 😀

About question,

It does use space but it only in the few MB range. depending on client, the WU (Work Unit) can be about 1MB or more. max i have seen is 50MB. (on SMP client)

So on a massive 100+ GB HDD, this program size + WU is a drop in the bucket.
I have a question regarding this, I can leave pc on 24/7 but I dont come for very long periods of time, is there any way for this to work alone and not me having to click on "Ok" in the popups ??
Pop ups? I never seam to have gotten that issue before. Let me ask you a few questions.

1. What client do you have?
2. When do these pop ups happen? just before you connect F@H servers or just random?
3. Is you computer doing any work when the pop up happens?

If the pop ups happen before you connect to the servers, Then it sounds like you got the setting "ask before connecting" option turned on.
No, whenever a WU is finished it says "Attempting to send information" and an OK button, if not clicked.. it will not send and continue with a new one I am CPU folding with the client I downloaded from the 1st page

Yep. you need to turn off, "ask before connect" option. That is causing all your problems.

Here you go.

Or i could just make you one....



Copy and paste the img link above. just remove the "


No problem to All.

I have no clue. There just so many WU's out there on many different clients that is hard to say the maximum WU size.
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