Question FPS drops on all my games


Jan 22, 2017
Hey guys.
A week ago I was playing Fortnite and towards the end of the game, my fps dropped from 200 fps to 70 fps instantly. The weather was very hot that day so I checked my temps. My ryzen 5 2600 was around 85-90 C with the amd stock cooler. My gtx 1660 around 75C.
A week passed and I thought it had to do with the temps so I put my home fan in front of my pc and the temps dropped instantly 20 C lower(not the best solution but it works) I was still getting fps drops even tho the temps were much lower so I thought maybe it has to do with fortnite since they had an update recently.
Today I opened GTA V and the game was running smoothly around 80-100 fps and then it dropped to 30-35 fps. I restarted the pc and now the game runs at 30-35 fps from the beginning.

Any solution?