So pretty much every single game that I play lags or has lag spikes from time to time. But fps doesn't reach 0, if fps is at 144 it will go down to 120-140 something like that. Far Cry 5: whenever I pick up items the game lags from 90 fps to 80-90. I noticed that the game autosaves when I pick items up and When I enter new locations so that could be the cause. Mordhau: the game lags whenever it feels like it, goes from 90-89-85 something like that. Also when I'm spectating someone and I switch to someone else the fps drops to around 70 for a couple of seconds. Grim Dawn: game lags whenever it feels like it and the fps goes from 144-143-142 something like that. When I enter houses the game stutters to around 100 fps. CS:GO; lags from time to time, from around 300-340 fps to 200-250 fps. Gunfire Reborn: I entered the game and was immediately greeted with a big stutter when I moved my camera and shot my gun. 1080p monitor 144hz and I play on high-ultra settings on all Games. Specs: RTX 2060, I7-10700K, 32GB ram, 1080p 144hz, games are installed on 1TB HDD but windows is installed on 120GB SSD. I have XMP enabled via bios and I turned on auto-tuning in GeForce experience. Temps (CPU-Z): GPU doesn't reach more than 70 degrees but GPU "hotspot" (unconfirmed temperature of the hottest part in the GPU) reaches 90+. CPU reaches 85 degrees when playing a really heavy game. But it definitely doesn't reach that when playing Grim Dawn. Is this normal? Do I just need to get used to it? Maybe I need to change something in bios?
So I reinstalled CS:GO on my SSD but that didn't seem to solve the problem. Also in CPU-Z it shows "YES" on thermal for my GPU even though the temperature for the GPU never goes above 70-75. How come it shows yes on thermal then?
So I reinstalled CS:GO on my SSD but that didn't seem to solve the problem. Also in CPU-Z it shows "YES" on thermal for my GPU even though the temperature for the GPU never goes above 70-75. How come it shows yes on thermal then?