Question Getting blue screen during userbenchmark, how to fix?


Mar 11, 2020

I get a blue screen during userbenchmark. Error (video scheduler internal error).

It seems like it's my video card. I'm running a laptop with a dedicated Nvidia 635M card. The first test with the userbenchmark went fine because it used my integrated card. As soon as I made my Nvidia card a default, it's gives me the error.

I have updated both cards to their recent drivers but still does it.

Any ideas?

Thank you

I get a blue screen during userbenchmark. Error (video scheduler internal error).

It seems like it's my video card. I'm running a laptop with a dedicated Nvidia 635M card. The first test with the userbenchmark went fine because it used my integrated card. As soon as I made my Nvidia card a default, it's gives me the error.

I have updated both cards to their recent drivers but still does it.

Any ideas?

Thank you
Are Windows and your main drivers other than video (network, motherboard chipset, etc) up to date?

I just migrated to an SSD. My windows is up to date yes, network is since I just upgraded the card myself as well. I am not sure about the motherboard chipset but when I go to Asus for my laptop (S56cm) not much is available. The bios last upgrade is from 2012.

If I go to device manager and click on update drivers it says it's up to date. I did go over my any other main components, it seems I am up to date.

Im not sure if migrating to an SSD (cloning) did anything. But I never tried userbenchmark when I had my HDD. I'm not a big gamer either, I played a few games (CS Go) it doesn't seem to crash. I am worried though that eventually I'll find an intensive program or game that will get me that blue screen.
Good. How hot is your CPU and GPU at idle and under load? Is the battery holding a full charge?

Currently (light use/idle): CPU both cores are 48-50C. Maximum at this session was 52 when I was installing intel driver assist and while it was searching. When I was cloning, updating my programs and it was 100% usage for a bit when it was doing its thing, it was at around 65C. I have since installed a cooling pad and put the laptop on an angle since ventilation was not the best.

GPU: It is also idle since my integrated graphics is the default. Right now it is 43C. When I used the benchmarking program, it crashed only within a few seconds of doing its GPU benchmarking, so honestly I do not think it was working hard at all However, I do not know its temperature under load. Under Hwinfo64 sensors, it did does not provide me GPU temperature info nor windows task manger. I just had to download GPU-Z to find out about the idle temperature.

Battery does hold charge. But I have it connected to the power supply at all times. Using hwinfo64 sensors, it says the wear level is 30%.
As this is an older laptop, do you know if the CPUs and GPUs thermal compound/pads have ever be changed? Have you used a can of compressed air to clean the fan intake and exhaust ports (and the fans themselves)?

No the thermal compounds were not changed, and I have not used can of compressed air to clean the fan intake and exhaust ports. While I was opening the laptop up to change the components, I did not notice any dust bunnies though.

I do have can of compressed air at work that I can take home and use, but with the COVID lockdown, I won't be going there in a bit. I could order a can though.

I do keep my laptop off though, it does not run all the time. So when I used the userbenchmark program. I used it within 5 minutes of turning on my laptop.