I need to move data from a win 98 SE pc to an already existing win xp pc, and take that already existing win xp pc and move data to a new, clean xp pc. They are all Dells. What should I do?
The frame screws up my sig.your sig screws up the frame.
Well, I know <i>my</i> work - yours sounds a bit too low level/Headache inducing for a lowly Delphi/Win32 Developer like myself I keep telling myself that I'll at least one day get into Linux, but given the choice between that and a beer or ten I tend to opt for the beer :lol:You know, work. :\
not much changes really.. Same old arguments, just different perpetrators. I noted you'd already had a go at talking to a very promising newcomer, Entium. He's only been around for a couple of days though I think.Has THGC stayed about as dead as when I left?
Heh heh. It's actually a nice break from what I used to do in the military. Unfortunately I'm not entirely convinced that it is my genes that made my hair go gray and fall out so early in my life. Damn stress. I'd go for the beer myself if I wasn't allergic. I'm not sure if it's the malt or hops or what, but beer makes me pretty sick pretty quickly in a way that is nothing like the joy of being drunk. I have to opt for harder stuff such as vodka. (Which is a _____ on the cash flow when at a bar. So I do most of my drinking at home.)Well, I know my work - yours sounds a bit too low level/Headache inducing for a lowly Delphi/Win32 Developer like myself I keep telling myself that I'll at least one day get into Linux, but given the choice between that and a beer or ten I tend to opt for the beer
I'm sure that you could use any schnapps. (Though you have to use good vodka.) The key is the combination of the vodka and the schnapps. The schnapps takes the hard-to-swallow edge off of the vodka (a danger in doing shots, that you don't swallow it quickly enough) and the vodka thins out the schnapps enough to make it not sickeningly sweet. I was surprised myself at how good they went together. It sure beats doing pure vodka shots. I might even try mixing up a new equivalent to a white russian using the concept. Mmmm. That could be dangerously addictive.Vodka/Vanilla? I think I tried some Vanilla shots a while ago, but can't say they were exactly to my taste.
It's only raging alcoholism if you're constantly red like a raging bull. ;-) But seriously, there's nothing wrong with a little whisky. Just be careful that the reason you like it is that you've burned away your taste buds instead of matured them. :OI've recently starting acquiring a taste for whisky though. Always used to hate the stuff... Are my taste buds simply maturing in my old age, or is this a first step towards raging alcoholism?
Figures. Good 'ol THGC.not much changes really.. Same old arguments, just different perpetrators.
Are you <b>nuts</b>?! DVD-Rs are way too expensive to waste on <i>that</i>. Maybe a RW because you can reuse it, but not an R. That's just goofy talk, Mr. Goofy Head.3) use DVD-R