Question Gigabyte GTX980TI 6GB G1 Gaming HDMI Audio Drop Out (plus performance issues)


Mar 17, 2013
I have a Gigabyte GTX980TI 6GB G1 Gaming I have owned for a little under 6 months. The card was purchased used on eBay. While I have had it sometime, the first time I got chance to spend some real quality gaming time on it was recently with the release of Trials Rising (massive trials fan). Unfortunately, my experience has been marred with annoying issues. The most obvious one is that the audio (HDMI from the 980TI) will drop out every so often for around a second then come back as if nothing happened. There seems to be a momentary frame rate drop too, though this could be me wrongly attaching it to the audio issue. There is no white noise sound or anything like that it just goes normal game audio - silence - normal game audio. There is no obvious reason to it in that it isn't exclusive to the GPU being loaded it can happen in menu and loading screens. It isn't exclusive to that one game either as I played some Into the Breach, a 2D game that places no real load on the GPU, yet this still had momentary audio losses.

In addition, I don't feel the performance from the GPU is as good as it should be. I know this is perhaps debatable without hard numbers, but one would surely expect a still potent albeit old GPU like the 980TI would eat something like Trials Rising for breakfast even on 4K, heck that game can run on the Nintendo Switch FFS. Yet it doesn't. I can set it to 4K high no problem, this allocates 5GB of the 6GB VRAM, I even turn off AA to ease the load (wasted on 4K anyway), which takes the memory down to 4GBish. Yet when in game the performance can go from great to dreadful i.e. it's all over the place, which is the last thing you want in a twitch style game. Perhaps related to the erratic frame rate, the screen tearing is really bad too. Vsync (I’m playing on a TV so no Gsync or Freesync sadly) fixes this but makes the performance worse as it locks to 30fps, which is odd as I thought Vsync was for 60fps?

There are also rarely some texture loading/streaming issues where the odd texture (often ground) will look pixelated/blurry often not loading in fully until I have passed the point. This typically occurs after reloading to a checkpoint multiple times in quick succession, so may just be that the game engine is struggling?

I have run benchmarks including Unigine Heaven and Superposition, which the card has always passed except, one time where it lost the display (black screen) after a while on Superposition (audio carried on) but I have not been able to reproduce it (so hoping it’s a one off). I have monitored with GPU Z and the card does clock up correctly and temps seem ok (maxes out at 75-76C).

I would like suggestions primarily on fixing the HDMI audio issue please, but also would like recommendations for the best way to verify as close to 100% as possible the card is working normally? As I’m very uncertain about it. Is there a specific benchmark that is particularly good for exposing weaknesses in the GPU?


Mar 17, 2013
Full system specs:
AMD Ryzen 2600 (Hex Core 12 Thread)
32GB Crucial Ballistix Sport DDR4 2400MHZ (4x8GB)
Gigabyte G1 Gaming 980TI 6GB (the star of this thread)
Corsair CX850M 850 Watt PSU
Mushkin Scorpion Deluxe 1.92TB PCIE SSD
Windows 10 Professional (latest update)


Mar 4, 2018
Full system specs:
AMD Ryzen 2600 (Hex Core 12 Thread)
32GB Crucial Ballistix Sport DDR4 2400MHZ (4x8GB)
Gigabyte G1 Gaming 980TI 6GB (the star of this thread)
Corsair CX850M 850 Watt PSU
Mushkin Scorpion Deluxe 1.92TB PCIE SSD
Windows 10 Professional (latest update)

probably the port causing the sound issues. can you try your pc on a friends monitor using display port to see if this fixes the audio issue?

as for performance drops, what is the temperature of the card after gaming for an hour or two? if its 75C or above then you want to apply new thermal paste (non conductive), put thicker vrm thermal pads on the cooler, alter the fan curve to something more aggressive (higher fan use at lower temps), and consider downclocking the card.

my 980 ti would only hold a constant high frequency if the temperatures stayed below 75c. as far as im aware, all the 900 series has this issue.

I was using an arctic accelero cooler on it for a while and that was great. kept temps while under load at 50c ish.