shadow187 :
It can't be a retail version numbnuts, it's not the 12'th yet. Any GTX4X0 card that is in someone's hands today is of good quality.
Also, anything OC's well under Ln2 or any expensive substance. Look at the phenom II x3 720 which got to 7200mhz (7.2ghz).
Calm down there Chief
It could be a retail version actually. Shamino has worked with EVGA for a long time, so they may have just given him a retail card recently. That's what it seems to indicate.
I realize it was probably ln2, I was making a joke about how hot the 400's are, hence the 1Kelvin cooling comment. Man, sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet.
But yeah, people were saying a couple days ago that a 400 might not even break 100+ extra MHz even on ln2, so there ya go
I AM still a little impressed though that an OC'd 480 beats a 5970, not by a hair, by 3000 points.
And yeah TGGA, I realize most people don't just have ln2 lying around, I was kidding
I am probably buying a couple 470s though to benchie them in SLI, 'cause not one reviewer did so. I am half tempted to buy some waterblocks for them to see how far you could OC them by "normal" OCing methods that people use/run every day rather than just for 5 minutes
😛 But that would also cost waaaaay more than my paycheck allows so that may have to wait for the future, or someone else on here to test.