Question Help me with my computers mic please

Mar 30, 2022
My Laptop(Dell Inspiron 15 3000) does not detect my headset's mic, it detects the headphones but not the mic, it uses the laptop's built-in mic. It worked before I upgraded to Windows 11 from Windows 10 but I realized it too late and I can't convert back to Windows 10 anymore. I have deleted the drivers and reinstalled them but I just can't figure out why it does not work.
i have Kotion for Each gaming headset(will link them)
if anyone can help or have any advice please let me know.
Oh and i have tested the headset on another compter and the mic works : )
Dell does not support Windows 11 on your device so there is that -

try running the updater on that site anyway as win 10 drivers still work fine with win 11.

it uses realtek audio...
Yeah so i used the dell updater and there was a few updates but none of them was for any sound drivers. I am not sure waht else i can do. Otherwise i am going to have to send my laptop in for someone else to repair.
I am pretty sure you can use your win 10 license still. If it worked fine in win 10 you could reinstall it and just nto upgrade to 11.

On another PC, download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB

follow this guide:

copy anything off laptop you want to save before doing this.
Do i have to use a usb, can't i just say upgrade this PC??