HELP! Which side of the plug is positive???

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Gary Childress

Nov 13, 2012
I have a Corsair 300R case. Love the look but it doesn't tell me which side of the HD LED connector is positive and which is negative. The directions for the Mobo (ASRock B75 Pro 3) tell me not to confuse the two! Is there a customary way to determine which side of a two prong HD LED connector is positive and which is negative? I'm stuck! :pt1cable:

Thanks for any help!
Are we talking about the front panel connectors or the board header itself? The manual states which is positive and which is negative, and for me my front panel connector states a + and - for each wire. Also consider what the mod has said if what I said does not apply to you, I will take a look at your manual and see what I can dig out for you.
Ok just looked at the manual, at the end of the header on the board the hard drive + goes. The - should be beside it.


*I know everyone's envious of my santa claus themed persona for firefox :kaola:

yes leds have polarity

it just wont light up if you plug it in the wrong way round--wont do anything to the led--then just turn it the other way round

All diode are polarity dependent. In fact the purpose of a diode in a circuit is to restrict current to flow in one way and not the other :)

Electronics 101.

Yes i know diodes restrict current from going one way and not the other, the light emitting bit made me think differently.

Ufff. Both the little cables on both sides are both black. The only unique thing about the sides is if I plug one side in the writing on the little plug (which only says HDLED) will face the CPU. If I plug it in the other way the writing will face away from the CPU. The header is along the edge at the bottom of the motherboard below the PCI slots. I've checked the Corsair website and I don't see anything that helps. Nothing in the FAQs.

Thanks Socialfox, I actually have the motherboard manual. The system panel header is labeled but the little connector leading from the panel on the case to the system panel header isn't labeled other than simply saying HD LED. 🙁

I believe there is no harm in giving it a try and turning it on, if it doesn't turn on the first time just switch the cables around. Anyways as Jay_nar2012 has stated, install it facing away from the CPU. I've done that in all my builds and works just fine....never tried it the other way though....
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