Sorry if I’m just being really dumb right now. I’m trying to leak test my first custom loop but I can’t figure out how to plug the pump into the PSU. I’m using this and the header coming off it is a 4-pin that goes into a fan header on the MB (not sure if that’s the standard so I’m mentioning it) and obviously that port is female. I searched around and found out it’s supposed to go into a 4-pin to molex power cable and that plugs into the PSU but the cable my PSU came with is also female on the 4-pin side so I don’t know how to plug it in. I’ve checked all over for any other cables but there isn’t any that will help, only other cable is the 4-pin male to female extension cable included with the distro plate, but obviously that’s still giving me the same issue.
Here’s photos of both cables so it’s hopefully easier to understand:
This is the water pump cable:
This is the 4-pin to molex thing my PSU came with:
Here’s photos of both cables so it’s hopefully easier to understand:
This is the water pump cable:

This is the 4-pin to molex thing my PSU came with: