Its only February so its not hard not to have bought anything yet. I had to look but the last game I bought was in August.
Only one game I know I want this year and its still showing as coming soon, Guess it makes it cheaper.
Do you recall what the last game was that you purchased?
One game you want, what would that be?
I know I'm very much looking forward to a new gta or rdr release...
I'd also love to see a new splinter cell, hitman or mass effect, NFS, AC? (or wait a sec I know, a new Cyberpunk), yes that's got to be it right?
If think carefully now, I recon I remember what my last games were that I bought, well as a matter of speaking, it was DLC, the shattered space dlc for Starfield and secrets of the spires dlc for Avatar: frontiers of pandora, then that; I haven't even played that yet... gets me thinking.
Anyway I just reached 95% in Carmageddon: Max Damage, then I accidently clicked create new save, ( why in heavens name is the create save game list being presented each launch of the game) and I wanted to delete the new save, and low and behold the action caused the 95% save to be deleted instead of the 0% save, whoa damn, anyway so I Guese my quest for 100%ing Carmageddon: Max Damage was halted right there, that gets me back to being free to play whatever I would.