Question How to get rid of Fiddler certificates

Aug 12, 2019
Sorry if this is a newbie question. I'm done with Fiddler and watch to make sure I got rid of the certificates. I used the built in tool but it still left a couple laying around I had to manually delete.

I want to make sure it didn't slyly add in a few extra ones I missed. Is there a tool out there for this that scans for fiddler certs and deletes them? I got rid of all the certs that were from fiddler under DO_NOT_TRUST but I'm paranoid it added in some other ones under different names.

Also one of the main reasons I ask this, is because my ping in my games seems to have gone up when it shows it normal during speed tests. Even when connecting to the other side of the cost from myself my ping is relatively reasonable. Except when playing games on the server closest to me. Was wondering if maybe fiddler had something to do with it.

Also I'm not sure what these acronyms are short for.


Thank you!
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Certrificates by themselves do not have effect on your network performance - all they do is to confirm "I am who I claim I am" by checking with someone you trust. If you're sure you've removed all components, and disabled certs, these certs are harmless.

As for "I am paranoid" - in that case you should stay away from all things Internet connected, including installing software which claims to be safe.
Certrificates by themselves do not have effect on your network performance - all they do is to confirm "I am who I claim I am" by checking with someone you trust. If you're sure you've removed all components, and disabled certs, these certs are harmless.

As for "I am paranoid" - in that case you should stay away from all things Internet connected, including installing software which claims to be safe.
I don't know why your ending point sounds so passive aggressive. Did you even read why I am " paranoid" because even after using the built in option to remove them it decided to still keep a couple around in some very odd certificate folders that I had to find.