
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Two of my XP installations from time to time displays a "Important
files has been replaced" message. It asks me to insert the XP CD to
restore those files. But I get an option to keep the files too.

But, then the message keep reappearing later :-(

Ho do I get rid of it? The files on the system ARE the right ones.

Is this info stored in a registry key or something?

Lars-Erik - http://home.chello.no/~larse/ - ICQ 7297605
WinXP, Asus P4PE, 2.53 GHz, Asus V8420 (Ti4200), SB-Live!


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Lars-Erik Østerud wrote:
> Two of my XP installations from time to time displays a "Important
> files has been replaced" message. It asks me to insert the XP CD to
> restore those files. But I get an option to keep the files too.
> But, then the message keep reappearing later :-(
> Ho do I get rid of it? The files on the system ARE the right ones.
> Is this info stored in a registry key or something?

From "time to time"..
What are you doing that is replacing the files?

I purposely have gotten this message and usually if ignored (reboot) - it
never returns - unless you again replace system files that it is protecting.
So - what is running that is replacing these files?

Otherwise, maybe this is what you want, but you do it at your own risk. =)

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Shenan Stanley skrev:

> I purposely have gotten this message and usually if ignored (reboot) - it
> never returns - unless you again replace system files that it is protecting.
> So - what is running that is replacing these files?

That's the strange thing. I answer that I want to keep the files (that
is NOT replace them with the originals from the XP CD), why doesn't XP
accept that and still keep nagging me about restoring those files :-(

I doesn't even say what files that it complains about (stupid
message). All I want is to get rid of it once and for all (or at least
to get to know what files XP tries to restore before allowing that).

Lars-Erik - http://home.chello.no/~larse/ - ICQ 7297605
WinXP, Asus P4PE, 2.53 GHz, Asus V8420 (Ti4200), SB-Live!