So I've seemed to get myself in an interesting situation here. A couple days ago I received a notification for a GPU driver update. As normal I didn't update in the moment as I was busy w/ something else. However, the next day attempting to boot up my PC. I ran into the issue where my monitor doesn't receive a single being that I assume because my GPU drivers are outdated. I tried a few different cables/cable types including HDMI/VGA/DVI as well as buying a new Display Port cable. I then attempted to plug in my DP cable to my Mobo to only find out that my CPU doesn't have IGPU (Ryzen 7 5800x). I was curious, should I buy a burner GPU to possibly launch up Windows 11 to update GPU drivers? If so, what GPU should I get for a system that has a Ryzen 7 5800x, DDR4 3600 RAM, 850w PSU? Is there another way around updating GPU drivers without having access to a monitor?
Any help/answers are greatly appreciated, thank you!
So I've seemed to get myself in an interesting situation here. A couple days ago I received a notification for a GPU driver update. As normal I didn't update in the moment as I was busy w/ something else. However, the next day attempting to boot up my PC. I ran into the issue where my monitor doesn't receive a single being that I assume because my GPU drivers are outdated. I tried a few different cables/cable types including HDMI/VGA/DVI as well as buying a new Display Port cable. I then attempted to plug in my DP cable to my Mobo to only find out that my CPU doesn't have IGPU (Ryzen 7 5800x). I was curious, should I buy a burner GPU to possibly launch up Windows 11 to update GPU drivers? If so, what GPU should I get for a system that has a Ryzen 7 5800x, DDR4 3600 RAM, 850w PSU? Is there another way around updating GPU drivers without having access to a monitor?
Any help/answers are greatly appreciated, thank you!