This problem occured a few weeks ago and i haven't been able to fix it. I have tried factory resetting my PC, i have tried downloading the latest drivers and uninstalling them, i have tried using 10+ diffrent LAN cables and i have tried using another switch. All other PCs i've tried works fine even if i use the same switch and LAN cables. My internet seems to be working fine, and my network card seems to be working well too. But for some reason all platforms and browsers seem to be downloading at 5-10mbps max. Plus when i download something, my internet plummits (only on my pc). My ping skyrockets to near 80 (from 3) and i get 60 mbps download and around 2 mbps upload. Please help!
most important Specs:
CPU Ryzen 7 3700X
GPU 3070
ISP: Altibox (norwegian company)
My router is also from Altibox, but im unaware of router specs
I have a CAT5 LAN cable. It is capable of 1gbps
I use Windows 10
Edit: Internet is 100% fine. My servers show 500 up and 500 down, wich is what I get from ISP. So the problem has something to do with my PC, but only when actually downloading stuff.
You can also read about the problem on this forum
More information is in the comments
most important Specs:
CPU Ryzen 7 3700X
GPU 3070
ISP: Altibox (norwegian company)
My router is also from Altibox, but im unaware of router specs
I have a CAT5 LAN cable. It is capable of 1gbps
I use Windows 10
Edit: Internet is 100% fine. My servers show 500 up and 500 down, wich is what I get from ISP. So the problem has something to do with my PC, but only when actually downloading stuff.
You can also read about the problem on this forum
More information is in the comments