So For some reason, EVERY monitor i have currently is doing the very same thing, When connected to power, they flash on then shut off, Each 4 of these monitors Were functioning the night before, and due to the heat(Because i live in texas) i put my system into sleep mode manually, EACH time, the monitor has died, Yet i have a TV also connected to the computer which is fine, and has been fine through the 4 monitor deaths...And trust me they are dead, connecting to different power cables, different outlets and different computers results in the same exact cycle, they flash on for about an 8th of a second not even long enough for the display to start then go back off... At first i chocked it up too me buying cheep monitors, but this last monitor was one that i have been using as an emergency back up for years and know is not faulty, or was not faulty before being attached to this computer as i have had it for about 5 years, But the other 3, 2 were less than 2 years old, and one was less than 6 months old and ALL 4 of them show EXACTLY the same signs, The power light turns blue, or green, then back to amber, then on again, and then off infinitely no matter what i do. Is there ANYTHING i can do to save these monitors, cause i really would hate to just be out 4 monitors because of something that is possibly fixable...Does anyone have any ideas, i will post my system specs in a response to this if anyone needs them