Question I messed up several SSD's using disk genius need help to reset firmware. It copied bad stats on other drive same ID


Mar 11, 2021
I was gifted a large lot of Intel 3500 480 gb SSD's and they all worked fine descent health no bad sector no error's except for one that had one bad sector. I used Disk genius to scan surface and it memorised where the bad sector is, I went Repair... and it did no more bad sector... disk works fine.

However when I installed next drive and the next... it copied surface status from the one with bad sector... since it's the "same" drive identical functionally the program doesn't know its three different drives...
And now those two are bugged. PC wont format them says can't find specific sector.. the "bad one" ... the second even started fresh surface once, but once it reached the location of that non existing bad sector... every next is bad bad bad bad bad bad... wont format... after several attempts now both are not initialized and fails to initialize can't find that specific sector...

I tried cmd format clean nothing works... aomei, disk check .. any idea how to force reset firmware if that is what I need? shorting pins? software?
Any other ideas what to do?
Thanks in advance
I was gifted a large lot of Intel 3500 480 gb SSD's and they all worked fine descent health no bad sector no error's except for one that had one bad sector.
I was gifted 16 ex-server SSDs from 120GB to 512GB, some with nearly 2,000 days of operation. Three of them were bad in HD Sentinel and I immediately scrapped them. Not worth taking the risk, even though I only use them for messing around with old systems. I suggest you do the same and stop using them.
None of this makes any sense to me. When Disk Genius "repairs" a bad sector, it just writes zeros to it. The drive then retests the sector and returns it to service if it passes, or reallocates the LBA to a spare sector if it fails.

Can you provide SMART reports for all your drives?
Well see Disk Genius mapped that one drive with one bad sector pinpointing location of it prior to movement. But when I plugged next drive it told me "load previously scanned test" and I did... What happened is that it confused the new drive with old one since they are identical and somehow forced Smart values to the healthy one completely confusing its firmware somehow.
Now I get "error timeout" Error too many bad clusters , I tried low level format and in 1 hour it only formatted 100megabytes... it ruined a perfectly fine disk with good sentinel health and no errors and bad sectors.
Tried accessing smart program freezes I have to force shut it down...
I need to give firmware a lobotomy I just have no idea how...
The disk was perfectly fine no bad sectors no errors until I clicked load test from previous "yes"

The reason I am asking is that I am sure there must be a way to factory reset firmware, I have seen hard drives where somebody chopped up repaired bad sectors and reset firmware so that it looks like its brand new, how he did it I have no idea...

The chips are fine there are no bad sectors... but the drive thinks there are... due to Disk Genius messing it up.
I also tried that HDDLFF1.4 program smart it says every sector is bad... but it's not. It just thinks so for some insane reason... lobotomy needed... but how on earth do I do it.
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I will add the suggestion to do some investigating by using Powershell and its' various Disk related cmdlets.

Starting with Get-Disk and then go into more detail as warranted.

For example:

The last link is not something I have worked with: however, if you are free to experiment and test then the Repair-Volume cmdlet may be of help.