[SOLVED] i7- 6700 & rx 480 upgrade to 1660 or 1660 super?


Oct 26, 2016
I have a old system that still runs games pretty good but I want to upgrade my gpu with out upgrading my cpu.
Should i choose the gtx 1660 or 1660 super?
Will I run into any bottlenecking with the super?

i7- 6700(non k)
Sapphire rx 480
16 gb ram
550w psu
1 tb ssd
4 to hdd
1660 or 1660 super will run well with an i7 6700.

I would normally reccomend the 1660 Super over the 1660 because it is a better value.

HOWEVER, with how messed up markets are now, I would buy whatever is cheaper in current day.
1660 or 1660 super will run well with an i7 6700.

I would normally reccomend the 1660 Super over the 1660 because it is a better value.

HOWEVER, with how messed up markets are now, I would buy whatever is cheaper in current day.

is there a big difference between the 1660 and the super? How much of an actually FPS difference would there be?
This is a hard question to answer. Of course the GTX 1660 Super is the preferred GPU to buy, but everything is dependent on price. Now is clearly not the best time to purchase a graphics card. But a better question might be for you to state which prices you could get the 1660 and 1660 Super for, then decide which is the better value. If we were in a normal market then I would state the Super would be the better purchase. As far as the FPS difference, I recommend that you look up your game(s) of choice on YouTube, and find out the FPS at your preferred resolution, which I assume is 1080p.
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I had a 1660 super that I sold a while back(double what I paid for it), then had a gtx 970 as a stopgap card, but ended up getting antsy and bought a 1070 so sold the 970 and am keeping the 1070. Pretty much broke even I suppose.

Now that you know my story there lol, the 1660 super is roughly equivalent to a 1070.

Have you considered letting the 480 stay on and upgrade cpu board and ram? Those are more affordable at the moment. To be honest, you’re older i7 is a little worse off than a new i3 as those are now quads with hyper threading, and should be higher single core performance. You might consider that route.

On the flip side if you sell the 480, some of the 480s and 580s were selling for 400-800 for 8gb cards. So maybe you could go 2060 or 2060 Super or maybe 3060 even and sell the 480?

Edit. I guess it looks like now 8gb rx 480s on eBay are going 300-350. Count on eBay I think to take like 20%. So maybe 30-40 of the sale?
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