Apr 17, 2019
Every game I played I had nice frames, but when I play minecraft my fps is under 50 fps, on fortnite high settings im getting better frames.
I did every thing on nvidia contorl panel, the game runs on my GPU and I gave to the game 8 Ram.
Even, when I set my pc to best performance (my CPU gets to 3.8ghz).
And the last thing I tried to uninstall drivers and install again and the game so.
Please help me, Thanks! :)
Plain Minecraft?

Worldsize and memory are too huge limiting factors that I am aware of. Mods toss that completely out the window though.

If it is performing in other titles normally, I would point my fingers at Minecraft. Their forums might be more suitable for direct help.
I'm not well versed with Minecraft, but echoing what Eximo said: Can you confirm it's not a mod that's your issue? Vanilla Minecraft should run great on your hardware.

If you have it installed, uninstall GeForce Experience and test your game out again - assuming it's not a mod after all.