If You Hate Apple and Macs, Read This

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You know dear Article writer why PC users hate Macs? Because they know! We wear those special black glasses and we can read the 'Obey' stuff hidden on Mac products! 😀

Seriously now. Macs are thing of the past, and should had disappeared, amongst Dinosaurs, Atari ST and Amiga. Good for them, Microsoft supported Macs (and Microsoft owns a significant part of Apple - ironic) or else Steve Jobs would now be out of business.

And let me tell you something else: This mockery must stop. At the old days, Mac users b#llshitted all others, with the 'superiority' of their custom hardware (like it was Amiga, which it wasn't btw). Then PCs moved forward, and Macs started "borrowing" technology to keep up (AGP slots, etc). They still tried to convince people with the superiority of their 68000 processor or with the superiority of their PowerPC processor. And lastly, when everything of the above failed, they became a bloody PC with a beautiful design. And now they feed us the same old story with their bloody OS. Dear lord, a DIMM costing $40 for PC, costs $100-150 for Mac. If you are fool enough to pay the price, suit yourself.

As an IT, the only thing that makes me sad, is that if Mac was the major computer platform on earth (which it is - in movies at least), then, computer business would be tragically slower than current. Macs are a closed/sealed system and that's the big tragic thing that few people can understand on a large scale. Even their marketing plan sucks, with 'special' authorized dealers that doesn't allow many people to get into Mac business at all!

Sad, sad, sad!

- "Apple sucks."
- "Apple products are for stupid people who don't know what they're doing."
- "Apple products are for people who believe the Apple brainwashing."
- "Macs are for losers."
- "Macs are for people with too much money."
- "Macs are for people who want to look cool."
- "Macs are for idiots."
- "OS X sucks."
- "OS X is garbage."
- "Why is Tom's Hardware posting this Apple garbage?"
- "Apple news does not belong on Tom's Hardware."
- "Tom's Hardware gets paid by Apple."
- "Author X got paid to write Apple garbage."
- "Author X is an Apple fanboy/girl."
- "Author X is an Apple employee."
Great article!!!

I don't like Apple either as some people here, but I think this is not enough reason to say bad things about anyone!

But I have to admit, from time to time I like to read the ignorant comments of the kind of people that inspired this article, it makes me laugh!!! 😀

Linux Counter #156439
I don't hate apple or macs, so I honestly didn't read what you had to say, but I will comment that the title should have been better thought out.

You're just provoking people to approach this article negatively by your statement and other previous Apple >>>> Microsoft titles, I'm all about any technological updates, regardless of company.

But you clearly have a bias towards apple, whether you want to deny it or not.
[citation][nom]caffeinecarl[/nom]I thought I'd try my hand with Linux, so I downloaded it and installed it. Why? Because I could! Why did I download and install the Win 7 RC? I wanted to get a look at the new operating system. And of course, because I could. Trust me. I'd love to give em both a shot, but I can't *legally* run OSX without buying a Mac! I'm positive that if Apple would actually allow me to run their operating system on my machine, it would totally kick. Apple's loss. All I can say is if they build it and will allow me to test it out (a la Win 7 RC's and the like) I'll give em a shot. It's their game to lose or win.[/citation]

I've used it on plenty of occasions at work... no, it doesn't kick. It's ok, but it feels messy as hell, and i personally dislike the fact that apps are not complete entities but a bunch of floating windows and palettes (which contributes a lot to the 'messy' and disorganised feel). That said it looks better than XP did (not vista though, or prob win 7) as XP colour scheme and graphics really did feel like a fisher price toy, big clunkiy and full of primary colours... that said 😉 I also hate the tedious greyness of max os x (can it be changed... i never found a way) and the teensy tiny little buttons you need to press to close or minimse anything... oh and the general lack of interaction as you move the curser around the environment, i like viual cluse as to what I'm doing, helps me process an react quicker.

All in all I think I prefer vista (soon to be win 7 when it arrives) best of all.
I think the hate from PC users wouldn't be so bad if Apple (as a company) didn't flip the finger at them in their ads. Their ads are basically saying all PCs suck and Macs are perfect. I know its poking fun, but it's still just begging for hate.

You'll notice there's barely any iPod/Zune rivalry-hate, and the little there is almost always brings PCs into the conversation. That's because none of the marketing deals with putting the other down.

If every time you turned on your TV you saw a commercial where a Corvette was deemed perfect and your car, whether it's a Geo-Metro or a Mustang, was called a heap of junk that fails in every possible way, you'd probably start hating the Corvette/Chevy. They're basically saying you wasted your money and you're uncool because you have one. Who wouldn't be at least slightly annoyed by that?

A random dude on the street telling you that... you don't care. A whole company? It's gonna make you start to not like that company.

It's not so much the products that create issues as it is the publicity. Once you make someone an enemy, they're going to criticize your faults. That could be in the form of prices, target market, or pretty much anything. It might not be a fault at all, but they'll still use it against you.

Then you take people with different opinions and put them in the same room. Some people will agree to disagree, others will fight over it - but the company starting the fight or adding fuel to the fire doesn't help.
I guess I don't get your point Tuan. If you haven't figured out who your constituency is aka PC Gamers then you are in sad shape. If you are that sensitive about negative apple criticism perhaps you should get a job being a major league baseball umpire. They have rabbit ears too!

PC Gamers automatically hate Apple since they can't play games on them. They don't see the point of Apple. That's just the way it is.
Don't take it too seriously... I guess people just want to talk back since this is A 'Talk Back' section.

What wrong with Apple haters? I am sure there is also nothing wrong with Apple lovers, correct?

I think it is just a coincidence that Apple haters would want to talk back more than Apple lovers

This is a 'Talk Back' section and nothing more.
Hate list:

-The Department of Motor Vehicles

I have legitimate reasons for all of them and I will not take the time to explain them in here :|
I just want to say that regardless of my personal preferences, I have recently discovered Tom's Hardware. This site is by far the most up to date. I read tech related articles here first, hours before I see the same "news" elsewhere on the web. I enjoy reading ALL tech related news. I have changed my home page here for that very reason. If your main interest in life is technology, this is the place. Since I use software that is commonly ported to all OS's, I like to be informed about all of them. Great job to all Tom's hardware crew.
I think everyone rages on Apple is because they are the ones that set the trend. Most likely in the age of electronics, Apple sets the trend, other PC manufactures follow with better / cheaper versions of the same trend, then Apple releases a total new trend that makes PC folks rage all over again. Also PC people are stuck in "4 component" terminology. All they want to see is CPU, RAM, GPU, and Hardisk. If a PC has high marks in those 4 categories then it automatically is superior to any mac system despite the PC missing 4 additional components that Mac has eg: built in wi-fi, bluetooth, accelrometer,
Apple still, and forever will be, CRAP. I used to be a Mac fanatic but when Steve killed the clone market I was done, forever. To tie your OS to your hardware is the most idiotic thing to do. Apple's VERY STONG area is their OS. If they allowed someone to install their OS legitimately on any x86 hardware then I would go back to being an "Apple" user. Oh, that's right... I guess according to Apple you aren't an "Apple" user unless you buy their terrible iMac or overpriced Mac Pro products. Products that contain the same Intel hardware you can buy for half the price. When a business decided to stay a niche product and not push to become main stream and set their own standards and actually attempt to compete to win, they are failures. And being that they name their products with Darwinian names and yet fail to truely make something of themselves and be taken seriously as a dominating force in the computing world, makes them even more of a joke. Instead they push their products by telling you that your "Different" and spend millions convincing you that purchasing their hardware is like traving to the light side of the force. Lmao. Have fun being brainwashed into buying their "better" hardware Apple users....

Btw Tuan, until things are corrected with Apple along the lines I'm describing I will forever be posting on Tom's Hardware and any other site that "APPLE SUCKS!"
I just prefer Windows over Apple because it is better for gaming... I have no issue with Apple. In fact, I really like a lot of their products. *changes track on iPod then continues typing* The PC vs. Apple is like the ATI vs. Nvidia. They will always compete, and there will always be fans for each side.
Your coverage of apple seems biased because you cover them far more than their marketshare, making this post seem like a defense of your overcoverage. Your focus has changed and no longer holds my interests.
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