My best friend Has a stock 2080 TI, plays in 2k, just as I do, We both have the same CPU, I-9 10900k, both watercooled. I have 32gb of DDR4 ram at 3000 MHZ, he has half of that, not sure of the MHz. He has a Stock 2080TI, I have a "Zotac GAMING GeForce RTX 3070 Twin Edge OC" We both played "The Cycle"'s playtest yesterday, both on an SSD, my CPU tends to hit around 45-50 C while gaming, gpu tends to hit around 65-70 C. We both played on ultra with the FPS cap at 120, both using 144Hz monitors. He was getting a smooth 120 frames, I was getting about 70, and at one point it started chugging down to about 25-30, this isn't the only game. A lot of games are doing this now, Especially things like Halo Infinite, CoD Black Ops Cold War, Elden ring dips but we all know it's got bad performance, but then again so does Halo Inf. It's strange though because games like Tarkov, Red Dead 2 and such gorgeous games run just fine, but it always seems to be VERY specific games that aren't that crazy looking that tend to run great for me for an hour or 2 then suddenly starts to chug, but my temps do NOT go any further than earlier mentioned. I'm stumped, I've done full PC virus scans on Defender, doing one on Malwarebytes now. CPU boost is on in my MSI BIOS, so is XMP, XMP is set for my DDR4 3000MHz, all drivers are up to date, I have all my .net frameworks, Nvidia control panel settings are fine tuned. I'm COMEPLETELY stumped. Any game I run ok, he runs twice as good with similar or lesser hardware.