dumbest list ever and here's why
1. a lot of the titles you lsit have sequels and reboots in modern times (doom , wolfestien, duke nuke em for example). of thise three i jsut listed two of them were ehavily bashed for being blended old school and new styles of gmae play ( wolfenstien , and DNF).
2. the world is full of too many remake this remake that , look at hollywood , half teh crap theya re pushign otu is a remake of soemthing it's just terrible granted i do enjoy remakes myself form time to time , i'd ahte to see the game indsutry go this route , new and itnersting IP is needed not rehashed old ideas.
3. the market has enough FPSer saturation with out recaping old games
4. some of the game you lsit are already in teh process of being "reimaged" namely duke nuke em 3d , check out duke nuke em 3d reloaded project , it's going to be afree updated version of the origian D3D
5. lastly this article is stupid because it exsist soley to start a flame war between gamers.
again don't get me wrng i enjoy a good update , i loved doom 3 which is essitially a remake of doom 1 , I also liked teh remake of the Dawn of the Dead movie , but do thsoe remakes repalce the importantnace of their orginals are they relaly better ??? i hoenstly can say no the remakes do thier thing but in both cases of my examples the remakes dont' follow the orginals exactly ,the only thing "improved " on them are effect (and that is arguable in some circles regarding Dawn of the Dead)
i'd rather see this site post article on new ideas they think would be intersting games , not discuss old games they THINK needs remaking.
Go Retro Gaming ! down with remakes !