Installed Windows XP twice (inadvertantly)...



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

....Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've tried to simply
delete W.0 but I keep getting a message saying the system files are in use
and can't be deleted. I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone help
me on this one?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

I've done this to. This is what I did

Create a folder, name it whatever you want
Drag windows.0 into this folder
Delete the folder you created
Empty recycle bin

Hope this helps

"Nick0Demus" wrote:

> ...Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've tried to simply
> delete W.0 but I keep getting a message saying the system files are in use
> and can't be deleted. I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone help
> me on this one?
> Thanks.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

If you have two copies of xp (windows & windows 0),then install xp cd,exit the
info page,restart computer,boot to xp cd (you may need to adjust for this
in the
BIOS,priority boot device or similiar),once at cd boot info page,select
press enter key for password,then type😀iskPart In DiskPart,delete the
partition with windows on it,then press Esc Key,then type:EXIT Let xp
In xp,go to run,type:diskmgmt.msc In msc, on the now free

"Nick0Demus" wrote:

> ...Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've tried to simply
> delete W.0 but I keep getting a message saying the system files are in use
> and can't be deleted. I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone help
> me on this one?
> Thanks.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

Andrew the poster doesn't have multiple partitions he has two installs of XP
in the same partition. That is why he has two Windows directories one being
called Windows.0


Harry Ohrn MS-MVP [Shell/User]

"Andrew E." <> wrote in message
> If you have two copies of xp (windows & windows 0),then install xp cd,exit
> the
> info page,restart computer,boot to xp cd (you may need to adjust for this
> in the
> BIOS,priority boot device or similiar),once at cd boot info page,select
> recovery,
> press enter key for password,then type😀iskPart In DiskPart,delete the
> unwanted
> partition with windows on it,then press Esc Key,then type:EXIT Let xp
> restart,
> In xp,go to run,type:diskmgmt.msc In msc, on the now free
> space,format.
> "Nick0Demus" wrote:
>> ...Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've tried to simply
>> delete W.0 but I keep getting a message saying the system files are in
>> use
>> and can't be deleted. I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone
>> help
>> me on this one?
>> Thanks.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

Nick0Demus wrote:
> ...Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've
> tried to simply delete W.0 but I keep getting a message
> saying the system files are in use and can't be deleted.
> I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone help me on
> this one?
> Thanks.

A little more info on how you ended up with this mess would
have been helpful. For instance, why did you install XP twice.
What happened to your original installation? Is your current
installation running OK?

The reason you can't delete the Windows.0 folder is because it
contains your current Windows installation. Kind of hard to ask
Windows to delete itself.

That said, you might want to take a look at this web site:

Scroll down to # 20, I have two installations of XP on the same

Good luck

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

I tried dragging it and doing a cut & paste and I got a pop-up saying it's a
systems folder and can't be moved or renamed.

Thanks anyway.

"Scooby" wrote:

> I've done this to. This is what I did
> Create a folder, name it whatever you want
> Drag windows.0 into this folder
> Delete the folder you created
> Empty recycle bin
> Hope this helps
> "Nick0Demus" wrote:
> > ...Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've tried to simply
> > delete W.0 but I keep getting a message saying the system files are in use
> > and can't be deleted. I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone help
> > me on this one?
> > Thanks.
> >
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

I've never worked in BIOS or with boot devices, but everything else seems
easy enough. How would I know how and what to adjust?
Thanks for your quick response.

"Andrew E." wrote:

> If you have two copies of xp (windows & windows 0),then install xp cd,exit the
> info page,restart computer,boot to xp cd (you may need to adjust for this
> in the
> BIOS,priority boot device or similiar),once at cd boot info page,select
> recovery,
> press enter key for password,then type😀iskPart In DiskPart,delete the
> unwanted
> partition with windows on it,then press Esc Key,then type:EXIT Let xp
> restart,
> In xp,go to run,type:diskmgmt.msc In msc, on the now free
> space,format.
> "Nick0Demus" wrote:
> > ...Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've tried to simply
> > delete W.0 but I keep getting a message saying the system files are in use
> > and can't be deleted. I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone help
> > me on this one?
> > Thanks.
> >
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

First: GO PATS!!!

When I open the command prompt, I'm at C:\documents and setting\Nick.
Typing in echo%etc... gives me a syntax error message.
Once I'm at step four, how do I get to systems properties? In step six,
will I recognize the line I want to delete?

I appreciate everybody's help. Thanks again.

"Nepatsfan" wrote:

> Nick0Demus wrote:
> > ...Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've
> > tried to simply delete W.0 but I keep getting a message
> > saying the system files are in use and can't be deleted.
> > I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone help me on
> > this one?
> > Thanks.
> A little more info on how you ended up with this mess would
> have been helpful. For instance, why did you install XP twice.
> What happened to your original installation? Is your current
> installation running OK?
> The reason you can't delete the Windows.0 folder is because it
> contains your current Windows installation. Kind of hard to ask
> Windows to delete itself.
> That said, you might want to take a look at this web site:
> Scroll down to # 20, I have two installations of XP on the same
> partition
> Good luck
> Nepatsfan
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

To answer your questions: I had win98 and upgraded to XP. The second time
it asked me if I wanted to boot from disk (don't ask me why...) I said yes.
Everything runs fine and I was able to delete 98 with no problems. I did
figure out how to avoid having to choose which version I want to start and
the first version always starts immediately. I hope this helped.

Thanks again.

"Nepatsfan" wrote:

> Nick0Demus wrote:
> > ...Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've
> > tried to simply delete W.0 but I keep getting a message
> > saying the system files are in use and can't be deleted.
> > I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone help me on
> > this one?
> > Thanks.
> A little more info on how you ended up with this mess would
> have been helpful. For instance, why did you install XP twice.
> What happened to your original installation? Is your current
> installation running OK?
> The reason you can't delete the Windows.0 folder is because it
> contains your current Windows installation. Kind of hard to ask
> Windows to delete itself.
> That said, you might want to take a look at this web site:
> Scroll down to # 20, I have two installations of XP on the same
> partition
> Good luck
> Nepatsfan
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

In step 2 of that article, at the command prompt, there's a
space between echo and %windir%. The folder you see listed is
the folder you want to keep.

In step 4, go to Start -> Control Panel and double click the
System icon. This should launch System Properties.

In step 6, the line you need to delete from boot.ini will point
to the folder you deleted in step 3.

If you get stuck, copy the contents of your boot.ini file and
paste it into a reply to this message. Don't forget to mention
which installation folder you saved and which you deleted.

Note: If your computer is already booting directly into
Windows, you may find that you don't have to edit the boot.ini


Nick0Demus wrote:
> First: GO PATS!!!
> When I open the command prompt, I'm at C:\documents and
> setting\Nick. Typing in echo%etc... gives me a syntax error
> message.
> Once I'm at step four, how do I get to systems properties?
> In step six, will I recognize the line I want to delete?
> I appreciate everybody's help. Thanks again.

> "Nepatsfan" wrote:
>> Nick0Demus wrote:
>>> ...Now I have Windows and Windows.0 on my computer. I've
>>> tried to simply delete W.0 but I keep getting a message
>>> saying the system files are in use and can't be deleted.
>>> I'd just like to free up the space. Can anyone help me on
>>> this one?
>>> Thanks.
>> A little more info on how you ended up with this mess would
>> have been helpful. For instance, why did you install XP
>> twice. What happened to your original installation? Is your
>> current installation running OK?
>> The reason you can't delete the Windows.0 folder is because
>> it contains your current Windows installation. Kind of hard
>> to ask Windows to delete itself.
>> That said, you might want to take a look at this web site:
>> Scroll down to # 20, I have two installations of XP on the
>> same partition
>> Good luck
>> Nepatsfan