Personally think that since the introduction of AM4 that it has gone back and forth quite a bit. I liked AM4, jumped on board for 1xxx release and went through quite a few iterations of Ryzen builds. My biggest complaint is also a very interesting precedent where it comes to updating your system. The continued AM4 support was both nice as well as a headache as it related to (and continues to relate to) BIOS and having not only the proper one, but the proper mobo/CPU combo to do so. It all got rather muddled in the end and led to a point of steering me away from recommending AMD Ryzen based systems.
A year ago I had my two main work/play systems based in Ryzen. One of them was more current, and the other was made of parts after updates. I liked them plenty enough but made the decision to go back to Intel. Currently, out of (6) systems that I work or play with and administrate, only (1) of them is Ryzen now.