Question Is it normal for my GPU sensor to be 80°C?


Nov 19, 2017
I have an Alienware gaming pc and I have a app on my task bar that says thermal controller, and it says my different temps. While playing fortnite, my cpu sensor is 53C, my hdd sensor 29C , my pcisensor is 50C, and my GPU sensor is 77C, and sometimes reaches 80. These are all in Celsius. Is this okay, or should I be worried? I can hear my fans but they aren’t too loud. I can barely hear them with headphones if it’s quiet. Should I be concerned and would there be a way to lower the temps?

I have an Alienware gaming pc and I have a app on my task bar that says thermal controller, and it says my different temps. While playing fortnite, my cpu sensor is 53C, my hdd sensor 29C , my pcisensor is 50C, and my GPU sensor is 77C, and sometimes reaches 80. These are all in Celsius. Is this okay, or should I be worried? I can hear my fans but they aren’t too loud. I can barely hear them with headphones if it’s quiet. Should I be concerned and would there be a way to lower the temps?


I kept looking for a fix for this. The Alienware software is terrible and doesnt controll the speed of the GPU fan. Completely ignores it.

I downloaded MSI Afterburner it imediatly detected my GTX 980 I adjusted the fan speed to 80% which you can barely hear and the highest my temp has reached since is 75 but its mostly staying around 60 now.

If I manually altered the Alienware software i would just turn the top fan on and sounded like a freaking vacuum.