Question Is it possible that my CPU is giving a false temperature reading?


Mar 19, 2014
Replaced a CPU fan on an HP Pavilion g7-2325dx and the whole install went smoothly, I even cleaned off the CPU and the heatsink with an alcohol pad and applied some new Arctic Silver MX-4 thermal paste. Everything is running just fine and showing no signs of system issues other than it being an older laptop. But just to make sure everything was running good I opened up Speccy by Piriform and it showed the CPU temperature at a staggering 255 °F (124 °C) and at idle it sits at about 212 °F (100 °C). I'm reaching out to you guys because I want to make sure there's nothing wrong and if there is, fix it before any permanent damage is done. The CPU is an AMD A8-4500M. Please help me out here, thank you!
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I'd be curious to see what temps HWMonitor shows....

Clearly the temps you are seeing reported are erroneous...

Saved the HWMonitor data, and went into the text file to copy the temperature reading. Here's what it shows:

Temperature 0 103 degC (216 degF) (Package)
Voltage 0 1.09 Volts (Cores)
Voltage 1 0.99 Volts (Uncore)
Clock Speed 0 2328.28 MHz (Core #0)
Clock Speed 1 2328.28 MHz (Core #1)
Clock Speed 2 2328.28 MHz (Core #2)
Clock Speed 3 2328.28 MHz (Core #3)
Core 0 max ratio 28.0 (effective 28.0)
Core 1 max ratio 28.0 (effective 23.0)
Core 2 max ratio 28.0 (effective 23.0)
Core 3 max ratio 28.0 (effective 23.0)
Just curious as to why? I've been using it for awhile now and seems accurate. Maybe I'll make a switch to hwinfo.

It seems as all apps are reading the same temp range. Maybe redo the paste and double check all fans are working.

Here is one thing I noticed that was different with HWinfo, it appears to give a different temperature reading for the CPU (in the red rectangle) but it does still display the ridiculous temps (in the blue rectangle):
