RTX prices are extremely high right now due to scalpers, or out of stock everywhere. Several sources have claimed that stocks for the RTX cards would not normalise until late December or even next year, so I would not hold your breath. Perhaps make a part list, but wait it out until prices are back to normal.
Well I already have a pc at the moment and I was hoping to sell it to go towards a new build for upcoming games such as Cyberpunk, Cod Cold war, ETC.
Current Build:
G5500 CPU Only 2 cores 🙁
(Other parts unneccessary)
So I was just wondering would it be worth to wait but I guess not thankyou
RTX prices are extremely high right now due to scalpers, or out of stock everywhere. Several sources have claimed that stocks for the RTX cards would not normalise until late December or even next year, so I would not hold your breath. Perhaps make a part list, but wait it out until prices are back to normal.
Also you cannot compare the 3600 vs 5600x based on clockspeed. It is expected that the 5600x will be a significant step up in performance but we are waiting for benchmarks to confirm.