
Feb 4, 2002
I currently use Win98 and try to keep it as minimalistic as possible by installing the games I know I will play and deleting unnecessary Windows files so that I have a fast system. The only thing that is installed in the Windows setup tab in Add/Remove Programs is Dial Up Networking! I even format my hard drive about once a month and then reinstall Windows again! IS XP FOR ME? It seems to be very unminimalistic which will probably affect gaming performance as well as performance in Windows itself.

Well it will keep you from having to do all that unessesary crap =).

<font color=red>:</font color=red> <font color=white>:</font color=white> <font color=blue>:</font color=blue>
Yeah, you definitely need a new OS if you're putting up with all that. XP is stable and if you don't want all the fancy stuff that slows it down a bit, just turn it off.

<font color=red>First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.</font color=red><font color=blue>
Once a do you need to do that? Is your system crashing or something? That would be the only reason I'd do that, or if my system is getting noticably sluggish, and it needs to be cleaned out.

I'm curious, are you like tight on space? Everyone wants a fast system, but there's a point that the amount of gains you can get is outdone by how much work you have to put into it.

I'd recommend Windows XP, because it's very stable, if you set everything up properly from the get-go. It handles memory very well, ends "DLL Hell", and gives decent compatibility (read: basic) right after installation. Once you set it up perfectly, you should image this to another partition, hard drive, or burn to CD. That way, you don't have to do this once-a-month Windows installation. It'll save you at least 10 minutes, depending on how much you add to your Windows installation.

If you stick with Windows 98, please post any details on your computer habits, what you install, what your computer's specifications are, and anything else you'd like to divulge.

<font color=orange>I feel like I'm looking into the past, about one year ago...</font color=orange>

<font color=red><A HREF="" target="_new">My Windows XP-based Website</A></font color=red>
dude, i am also minimalistic. but just because you delete something doesn't mean that it's gone, there are still components that don't go away. the two best ways that i found to keep performance at it's peak is: 1)don't install a lot of crap to begin with, and 2)go to start/programs/accesories/systme tools/system info/tools/ and the name of the other option escapes me but it's a neat windows format program that allows you to uncheck what you don't want from your startup. as long as the program isn't starting up with your computer it can't slow it down. but be carefull what you uncheck.

i have also been thinking of getting windows xp, i hear from a lot of people that it is much faster than win98, but win98 is still pretty good for me and for now i'm going to stick with the old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

repeat after me, we are all individuals!
98 is broke though, and they did fix it with XP =).

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