When we start deciding who lives and who dies it becomes a slippery slope.
Chinas policies are well known, who can have what kind of babies, and is designed and enforced by law.
Theres arguments for the usage of DDT, as malaria has taken more lives without DDT than what we truly know of the impact on its usage.
It reminds me of the spinache debacle. Spinache was considered to have tons of iron in it, but, low and behold, years later, when itwas retested for content, the original numbers were off by 1 decimal point, and spinache actually only has 1/10 of what wed previously thought, but again, everyone jumped on the wagon and promoted spinache.
Now that was just a digestable vegatable, now imagine the fate of millions of peoples, trillions of dollars etc. Im all for landing on the side of caution, but to invest so severly into it is foolhardy as well.
If not for our finite oil reserves, this wouldnt be a concern, as well as population growth and the expanding usage of our finite resources. This is whats driving these "concerns", and making oil prohibitively expensive wont drive the markets, and the switchover is no wheres in sight, so available alternatives are too varied per region etc, and here again, we enter into world greed.
The worlds movers and shakers want in on the next saviour , as they can keep their positions , but again, none has surfaced, but they have managed to put together in one place, one thing, a power ability to control what we have left. So, its in their best interests this too plays out, and global warming becomes something more than it is.
My concerns are this: All studies need to be open sourced from the begining, something which hasnt been done with global warming, its being done with my money, so yes, I have that right.
All studies pro or con, one way or the other needs further clarification, to its end if you will, for fact finding, as each pro or con does contribute to the overall end facts, which then can be applied to better solutions.
Grasping a "we need to do this right now, if its already not too late" has a certain window, which if we take this route, will soon play itself out, and since its such a drastic approach, needs to be held with no amount a derivation at all, meaning, if they say we have to do this, and do it now, then itd better be as they say, no ifs or ands, but right on their marks, and if found wrong, charges can/will applyLike a mayor of a city, making decisions for its people, he/she is liable for his/her decision making, and so too also this applies.
If we followed these patterns, wed see an open approach, containing much more usable data, with more open minds coming to a wider and more approachable solution, with responsibility thrown in for its proposed importance, as welll as using the peoples resources, changing them however, and making the makers of these policies sharper in their conclusions