PS4 doesn't include the cost of the Eye, but XB1 has the Kinect 2 bundled, so cost isnt that much different, plus the Eye blows compared to the Kinect 2
Dropping all the DRM and used sales restrictions I think is a mistake however, maybe dial it down a notch but drop it altogether? Wrong. If a games developer sees an opportunity to sell a copy to everyone with the Xb1, whereas the PS4 sells one copy which gets traded between a dozen people with no cut going back to the developer - you could be guaranteed that there would be a huge number of XB1 exclusive AAA titles and hardly any for PS4, plus the price could drop for $60 a game to $40 or less and the devs would still rake twice as much dough
The complain campaign hasn't got what it wants because it is a means to an end, that end is cheaper games and now you are stuck in the same old tired Gamestop leeching from the games industry system, the same end could have been achieved but never mind, it will have to wait for the next-gen after this one