Nov 16, 2019
When i move my mouse my cpu usage in task manager is rising from 12% to somewhere close to 60 %, and when i type something anywhere it goes to 100%.
Can someone tell me a solution to this?

I also scanned my computer for viruses and there is no virus.
I updated my drivers as well and restarted my pc a few times and still nothing.
Nov 16, 2019
List computer specs please. What caused you to start looking at task manager?
I launched csgo, i dont have a gaming pc but i used to have 50 or 60 fps in the game before. then i tried to get in a match but my game was lagging and i had somewhere to 10 fps and that caused me to look at task manager and it was using 100 % and i closed the game (the usage dropped to 12%) and texted my friend on steam if he can help me (task manager was running) and noticed that when i was typing my cpu usage was rising to 100% and the same when i was moving my mouse.

(i have 4 gb ram, amd athlon(tm) II X2 215 2.71GHz, GT 220(Videocard))
What OS? While you are in task manager, look at processes tab and see what it using you CPU the most.

Are you running a hard drive or SSD? If hard drive: download, install, and run Seatools for Windows. Start with the S.M.A.R.T test and next run the quick test and see if it points out any errors.
I'd look closely at task manager/performance, monitor the real time clock speed and see if perhaps you are perhaps locked at 800 MHz or so... (Often default drivers result in this sort of performance, or lack thereof; I've had a 6-7 year old Dell laptop that officially had no Win10 chipset drivers available exhibit this performance, but, after all updates applied and 1 last reboot, all was suddenly well..

First step....look for/reinstall all chipset drivers unique to your system...

You might also want to check temps to see if there are any signs of thermal throttling.