
Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

Im in the middle of making my first HC its a nero skellimancer he level 65
now. i just cant belive i have not died yet as i cant normaly get out of act
1 in normal.
im doing nm baal runs at the moment just to level before i start hell he
doing really cool i have all 3 skellies skills maxed now and have started
working on CE as i like it heaps
i have had some help form Jake thanks fot that now i think i will be helping
you out


Dec 26, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

"custard" <custards1@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Im in the middle of making my first HC its a nero skellimancer he level 65
> now. i just cant belive i have not died yet as i cant normaly get out of
> act
> 1 in normal.
> im doing nm baal runs at the moment just to level before i start hell he
> doing really cool i have all 3 skellies skills maxed now and have started
> working on CE as i like it heaps
> i have had some help form Jake thanks fot that now i think i will be
> helping
> you out

you will die a horrible death.... they all do...
so how did you avoid the pk's lurking on baal runs?



Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

"" <get.rooted@localhost> wrote in message
> "custard" <custards1@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:uqNWd.186894$K7.108932@news-server.bigpond.net.au...
>> Im in the middle of making my first HC its a nero skellimancer he level
>> 65
>> now. i just cant belive i have not died yet as i cant normaly get out of
>> act
>> 1 in normal.
>> im doing nm baal runs at the moment just to level before i start hell he
>> doing really cool i have all 3 skellies skills maxed now and have started
>> working on CE as i like it heaps
>> i have had some help form Jake thanks fot that now i think i will be
>> helping
>> you out
> you will die a horrible death.... they all do...
> so how did you avoid the pk's lurking on baal runs?
> -a|ex

There are PKs in HC games?
That's pretty messed up.



Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

We play private games. Alot safer!

Jake Mysterio - Level 55 Paladin HC ActV Nightmare.

Jake Mysterio - The Mysterious One of Nothingness.

"" <get.rooted@localhost> wrote in message
> "custard" <custards1@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:uqNWd.186894$K7.108932@news-server.bigpond.net.au...
>> Im in the middle of making my first HC its a nero skellimancer he level
>> 65
>> now. i just cant belive i have not died yet as i cant normaly get out of
>> act
>> 1 in normal.
>> im doing nm baal runs at the moment just to level before i start hell he
>> doing really cool i have all 3 skellies skills maxed now and have started
>> working on CE as i like it heaps
>> i have had some help form Jake thanks fot that now i think i will be
>> helping
>> you out
> you will die a horrible death.... they all do...
> so how did you avoid the pk's lurking on baal runs?
> -a|ex


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

Yes unfortunately there are players that specifically go game to game
hunting other HC players. I think there's a PK ladder for it or something of
the sort.

Jake Mysterio - The Mysterious One of Nothingness.

"Russell B. Waters" <russell.waters@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "" <get.rooted@localhost> wrote in message
> news:gZNWd.5108$603.715@newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net...
>> "custard" <custards1@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:uqNWd.186894$K7.108932@news-server.bigpond.net.au...
>>> Im in the middle of making my first HC its a nero skellimancer he level
>>> 65
>>> now. i just cant belive i have not died yet as i cant normaly get out of
>>> act
>>> 1 in normal.
>>> im doing nm baal runs at the moment just to level before i start hell he
>>> doing really cool i have all 3 skellies skills maxed now and have
>>> started
>>> working on CE as i like it heaps
>>> i have had some help form Jake thanks fot that now i think i will be
>>> helping
>>> you out
>> you will die a horrible death.... they all do...
>> so how did you avoid the pk's lurking on baal runs?
>> -a|ex
> There are PKs in HC games?
> That's pretty messed up.
> --
> Rusty
> www.rbwaters.com


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

"Jake Mysterio" <cretin@dodo.com.au> wrote in message
> Yes unfortunately there are players that specifically go game to game
> hunting other HC players. I think there's a PK ladder for it or something
> of the sort.
> Jake Mysterio - The Mysterious One of Nothingness.

Every HC char I've played has been killed through normal game play, but what
I do is password protect my games and I create rather than joining.
I'm going to have to check this out some time, create an HC char just for
test purposes and find some of these people who do this.
Thanks for the info.


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

No Problems. From what i've heard they are usually players that Rush you for
Hellforge. They get the Hellforge then kill.

Jake Mysterio - The Mysterious One of Nothingness.
"Russell B. Waters" <russell.waters@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Jake Mysterio" <cretin@dodo.com.au> wrote in message
> news:422bf6c6@news.comindico.com.au...
>> Yes unfortunately there are players that specifically go game to game
>> hunting other HC players. I think there's a PK ladder for it or something
>> of the sort.
>> Jake Mysterio - The Mysterious One of Nothingness.
> Wow.
> Every HC char I've played has been killed through normal game play, but
> what I do is password protect my games and I create rather than joining.
> I'm going to have to check this out some time, create an HC char just for
> test purposes and find some of these people who do this.
> Thanks for the info.