[SOLVED] My Intel Core Duo 2Ghz Idles At 200F. I have a MacBook late 2008.

Jan 19, 2021
Help! why is this happening its very concerning the only laptop I have is cooking its self. My Intel Core Duo 2Ghz Idles At 200F. I have a MacBook late 2008. my laptop is at full blast. on the left that is hot it tells me when my cpu losses processing power its a 100% capacity what. Thermals >Picture
°C helps. It's the universal pc temp. °F is never used in common practice as it gets confusing.

Pc/mac/laptop shouldn't be idling at 93°C, shouldn't even be hitting that temp except under very heavy loads. The 2 biggest culprits are dust/dirt/debris clogging airflow through the cpu heatsink and thermal paste between the cpu and the cooler. Most really good thermal pastes are good for @ 8 years ±, and dust should be cleaned out at a minimum of 1x per year, preferably more often.

Educated guess leads most ppl to assume you suffer from both aspects, 0 airflow and very old paste. Remedy both of those and then see what temps are. In °C please.
°C helps. It's the universal pc temp. °F is never used in common practice as it gets confusing.

Pc/mac/laptop shouldn't be idling at 93°C, shouldn't even be hitting that temp except under very heavy loads. The 2 biggest culprits are dust/dirt/debris clogging airflow through the cpu heatsink and thermal paste between the cpu and the cooler. Most really good thermal pastes are good for @ 8 years ±, and dust should be cleaned out at a minimum of 1x per year, preferably more often.

Educated guess leads most ppl to assume you suffer from both aspects, 0 airflow and very old paste. Remedy both of those and then see what temps are. In °C please.