
Jan 5, 2005

I have a 22” LG Flatron L227WTG-PF monitor and it looks horrible in FPS games. Its hard to describe, but shadows take on the surrounding light colors and even mix together, such that a scene with say green lights and red walls will have bright purple shadows. Every games looks like a psychedelic hippie trip…not in a good way.

This may well be happening because I’ve not installed the monitor’s software, for the simple reason that each of the three times I tried it BSOD and I had to re-install windows.

But is there perhaps some video card setting that might be causing the weird colors? Something I could turn on/off?

Assuming I’m just SOL with this monitor, would anyone please recommend replacements? Something sub-$250 that’s tried and true for a dedicated gamer? I've looked on newegg, but the number of choices are daunting and I'd much better trust those here than the user reviews there.

Thank you!

ASUS P5W Deluxe
Nvidia 8800 GTS 512


Jan 5, 2005
In games only.

Update: I borrowed a friend's monitor and still had the problem, so its not the monitor. Now I'm at a loss. Guess it could be that the vid card has developed some sort of problem.

Sorry for the late response, had to leave yesterday.


Jan 5, 2005
I couldn't find my old DVI cable for testing, but I hooked up an analog cable using an adapter (vid card is DVI only) .... and the problem persists with that too.

So its probably the card, right? No idea what the warranty is on it, have to look into that, but its almost 2 years old.

Any other possibilities?

The possibility of you having a brand new card lies in the warranty... Did you register the card before the 30 day period? What brand is your GPU? EVGA, XFX, BFG, Asus. PNY ????


Sep 10, 2009
Its BFG and according to their website it a has lifetime warranty that did not require registration because it was purchased before Feb 08 (they've since made registration a requirement, FYI).

So I suppose that's my next step. Couldn't say exactly why, but much like every driver update I've ever done, I'm not at all confident that this is will fix the problem. I sure hope so as I'll likely be out of action for a long time while they tinker with my card.

Thank you again for your help.
Just RMA the card.... You will most likely receive a new card in less than 2 weeks.... it all depends on how fast they receive the damaged card....

Last RMA I had with BFG was about 2 years ago, I sent my faulty 8600GT and they sent me a brand new 8800GT (Factory Sealed) ...no questions asked.....