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Feb 19, 2018
Going to buy a gpu and have an i7 8700K, which can cause a lot of bottleneck.
However, my goal is to run 4K, which then what I read should affect just as much.
Other components are:
16GB Ram
Seasonic FOCUS Plus 750W Gold
Samsung M2 SSD

My goal is 60fps on games in the coming years. The games I was thinking of playing are:

Horizon Forbidden West
Last Of Us 2 (when it comes)
Resident Evil 3 and 4
GTA Online
Tomb Raider games
Upcoming Splinter Cell Remake
and similar 3rd person....

Have nothing against using DLSS, latency etc. doesn't play a big role when due to that I almost only play single player games

My last two gpu's has been Nvidia but wouldn't mins AMD as long as it does not affect the image (ie image enhancer that cannot be turned off, etc.).

Have looked at RTX 4070 Super, Ti Super and 4080, but would like to stay under 950 EUR... RX 7900 XT and XTX are interesting (available for around 750 EUR and 950 EUR), but will they last as long as the Nvidia gpu's due to that FSR is much worse than DLSS?

I understand that it will be a bottleneck even at higher hz like 144 and up, but my TV have 120hz max and my goal is 60 fps 4K in upcoming years.
An old GTX 1070 Ti, have been using it on a 1080P Display, but now Im on a 4K 120hz OLED

Was wondering if any of those games you have on hand try this and play them at 1080p, whichever lowest resolution your TV will accept, probably 1080p, with lowest details as possible. Monitor frame rate and cpu usage. This'll give you sort of an indication how many frames your cpu can push. If it's at your goal of 60fps, probably might be even higher, and if cpu isn't maxed out then a faster card like the 7900xtx should see no cpu fps cap issues running 4k, just enjoying higher quality graphics because 8700k's fps cap should be closer to 100fps if not more. Depends on the game and how taxing it is cpu wise, testing low details so cpu is doing more can give you an idea. 1070Ti should be fast enough to test this theory, hopefully :)
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