
Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

I'm getting hold of a new Inspiron 700m, specs:
Pentium-M 2 GHz
1 GB ram
1280x800 widescreen
64 MB shared video memory (Intel 855GME chipset)

Not a gaming rig per se (note the shared video) but does anyone have
experience with the game on such a machine they'd like to share? What kind
of performance can I expect?


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 17:17:34 -0700, "Frankie Howerd"
<frankiehowerd@yahoo.com> wrote:

>I'm getting hold of a new Inspiron 700m, specs:
>Pentium-M 2 GHz
>1 GB ram
>1280x800 widescreen
>64 MB shared video memory (Intel 855GME chipset)
>Not a gaming rig per se (note the shared video) but does anyone have
>experience with the game on such a machine they'd like to share? What kind
>of performance can I expect?
Your processor and RAM are fine, but I don't think you'll get very good
framerates with that graphics device. I've only heard bad things about
the 3D performance of Intel integrated video. In fact, it may not be
able to run at all, since the minimum system requirements include
DirectX 8.1 support, and this review
says that the Intel 855GME can't handle DirectX 8 or 9.


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

"Frankie Howerd" <frankiehowerd@yahoo.com> skrev i meddelelsen

> Pentium-M 2 GHz
> 1 GB ram
> 1280x800 widescreen
> 64 MB shared video memory (Intel 855GME chipset)
> Not a gaming rig per se (note the shared video) but does anyone have
> experience with the game on such a machine they'd like to share? What
> kind of performance can I expect?

I got a similar laptop setup (WinXPPro), and Gothic (1) is a pleasure to
play. I mainly use it for boring stuff like webdesign, so I haven't tried
too many games on it.

Arcana Dragon -==(UDIC)==-