[SOLVED] New Modem and Router Preventing Port Forwarding


Mar 1, 2016
Hi, I'm trying to get port forwarding to work on this modem and router that was provided by Spectrum.
Specifically I would like to forward ports 7777 but it seems like no ports are being forwarded at all.
I've sort of narrowed it down to what the problem might be but I would like a second opinion on what else it could be.

Here is a list of equipment I have:
  1. An un-named modem provided by Spectrum
  2. A Wave 2 router provided by Spectrum
  3. My personal Linksys WRT 1200AC router

Firstly, before I got this new router and modem (provided by spectrum) port forwarding was working fine with their old set up, an all in one, they had installed in my house.
So I believe I'm doing the port forwarding process correct if I was able to get it working before.
Secondly, I've ruled out the router they provided to not be the problem either. Before they replaced my old setup I used to use my personal router to port forward with the old modem and it would work fine.
However for whatever reason when I hook up my personal router to this new modem and try to port forward the same way I used to before any external connections are still unable to connect to my application.

I have even used DMZ to test if I can access my computer from an external device and still no access.

I believe the modem is preventing port forwarding in some way or another. The annoying part is there apparently is no direct webpage to check settings or change anything with the modem they provided me.
Interestingly, I have found a way to access a webpage that is broadcasting from the modem but there are no options to edit as its just diagnostics.
I used this trick shown here: https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r32068382-Access-to-the-Spectrum-E31-U-2V1-has-been-established

I have also contacted Spectrum about this issue and after many hours they ended the phone call with, "Your router says the port is open so it must be open, there is nothing else we can do to help."
They called themselves a networking specialist.

What else can I do before ruling the modem as the definitive issue? I haven't changed any settings on my personal router I used nor on my computer's firewall or applications I used in the port forwarding that previously succeeded.

TL;DR Spectrum hot swapped the old modem with a new one and suddenly port forwarding isn't working.
It is not advisable for long term, but you could directly connect to the modem and verify the 7777 port access. It is unlikely that the modem is preventing anything.

How are you verifying that port forwarding isn't working?

I have someone else who used to be able to connect on my previous setup and they try to connect to my current setup. They have been unable to. I also can test it with my computer by using my external ip and I always get request timed out.

I have directly connected to the modem by using that method described in my link I posted, but all thats there is diagnostic information with no settings what so ever.
I'm like completely stumped lol
Alright, update. Per your post, I have directly connected to the modem and the port does open correctly. So this means its not a modem problem. But why would both routers not work?
Also my external IP changed when I connected directly to my modem. What exactly does this mean?
Your IP changed because the MAC (network hardware) address of your PC is different than your router. That caused your ISP to give you a different address. That is normal ISP behavior.
Oh ok, that makes sense. However both routers port forwarding options are still not working after i swapped them back. What would cause this?
Have you verified you can access the service (whatever is at port 7777) on the LAN?
Have you run wireshark on the host to see if any traffic is coming to the host from the router?
I have verified I can access the service on the LAN. I'll try running wireshark on the host to see if any traffic is coming to the host from the router however.
I just used wireshark checking the router's traffic and it was receiving packets from external users. I don't really understand why its still denying access though. Getting request timed out.
Firewall allows all WAN to LAN.
If the traffic is getting to the host, then it isn't a port forwarding problem.
Thanks for the help, this has been a really odd issue. But after messing around by hot swapping routers and computers and checking network traffic with wireshark I suddenly had a friend to be able to connect externally out of the blue. I don't really have an idea of why it suddenly started to work. Additionally I was able to get an external website like a portchecker to notice my port was open. Hopefully the problem does come up again, thanks again.