
Sep 24, 2001
Propaganda, but now we know it was always TRUE propaganda!

In fact, on most applications we are seeing, on average, an upwards of a <b>2x performance increase!</b> The jump in performance is a result of a brand new architecture that includes a <b>superscalar 16-pipe design – a first for a GPU.</b> The GeForce 6800 GPUs also feature <b>native support for Shader Model 3.0,</b> a key feature of DirectX 9.0 that will allow game developers to come up with some very cool new types of visual effects in their next-generation games.

<b>The GeForce 6800 Ultra has 16 full-speed pipes that can be used to process both the texture and shader data.</b> We also doubled the processing power of the pipes to provide additional throughput and performance. We made the design superscalar, in the sense that we have a second shader unit to double the performance for math-intensive operations.

<A HREF="" target="_new">Link</A>

Geforce 6800 Ultra ownz all

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>


Mar 2, 2003
WOW! How many C*cks can you fit in your mouth at once? How does it feel to be the wh*re of NVidia's executive team?

Seriously, being a fan is one thing, but taking time to post past articles about your beloved Graphics card company is a whole other story.
It seems at first glance that NV is back to producing powerful hardware, but come on, give it a rest with this!
Here's a tip: Go outside and see how realistic the graphics are in the REAL WORLD!!! I hate to break it to you but not even your 6800Ultra can look that pretty.


Jun 26, 2001
I wonder if we didn't post articles how many people would be able to get info on hardware....but I mean you're uber and all that right?
Next time, don't rag on the troll, cause he sucks cock really well (you gotta try it).

SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope you dont multiply


Jun 26, 2002

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<A HREF="" target="_new">My Rig</A> & <A HREF="" target="_new">3DMark score</A>


Jun 26, 2001
Yeah, they released a pretty good card too. If I was in the market for a new card, I'd be hooting too. Does it really hurt if he's posting more info about NV?

SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope you dont multiply


Jun 3, 2003
Spitfire i just read your post in the CPU section of why you hate Kinney.

I can't believe you actually spent 1.5 hours on that...

<A HREF="" target="_new">My PC</A>


Jun 26, 2002
Tried to combine all possible points in a same post, this is why it took long time

<A HREF="" target="_new">My Website</A>

<A HREF="" target="_new">My Rig</A> & <A HREF="" target="_new">3DMark score</A>


Jun 26, 2002
It hurts, because sometime in future he will do similar thing for ATI side. You'll hear, "NVIDIA is the biggest cheater ever. ATI is god. ATI visual quality is 10 times superior than NV, NV AA/AF is blurry...." and all other pro-ATI stuff

<A HREF="" target="_new">My Website</A>

<A HREF="" target="_new">My Rig</A> & <A HREF="" target="_new">3DMark score</A>


Sep 24, 2001
Thats a bit far dont you think?

I know you've displayed a dislike for Nvidia's new card but frankly, its based in either stupidity or ignorance.

If I recall you were the one who said it was not impressive.
This card has redefined impressive for every single review site on the web and you attempt to talk it down.

I'm glad you dont like my article, and I'm glad you dont like me posting.
In fact, I'm glad you dont like me.

I enjoy making you guys face your utter and complete defeat.
ATIs never looked so ugly.
Besides all those years previous to the 9700 Pro... other than that.. they did OK!

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>


Sep 24, 2001
Spitfires lame.

His post in the CPU section was a dismal failure.
It only brought my fame, or infamy to a whole new level.

Funny, people cant read the f'n article and pull something worthwhile out of it.
They'd rather bash on NV, and one of NVs biggest proponents that resides in this forum, me.

You KNOW you're defeated when you start resorting to killing the messenger who brings the truth.
But the truth lives on! :lol:

Frankly, I had some in depth conversations with another THGC member on AMD/Intel and realized some things I didnt before.. and in usual kinney fashion I let everyone know why they I thought their 64bit love was a little bit misled, overhyped and frankly, a bit stupid.

The good and successful people in IT know how to adapt to change, while others not capable of such (Spitfire) fail. My ability to be able to admit AMDs faults makes me a much bigger fanboy of AMD than Spitfire ever could be.. If you cant comprehend a defeat or even WHY your not ALWAYS ON TOP then you dont fully understand the very market its in and is quite telling your bias is overshadowing your better judgement.
Which of course, results in inherently flawed and illogical decision making.

Time to take off the blinders for many THGC forum members.
Take the heads out of the a$$, heads out of the sand, the lampshades off your heads, flip on a light and open up your f'n minds.
Thats all I'm going to comment on that.

Back to exactly why, and how, ATI has been trounced by an exponential value of 2.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>


Jun 26, 2001
Wow you're special aren't you?

<pre>please, please tell me u were sarcastic in that post</pre><p>
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope you dont multiply


Jun 26, 2001
We'll have to wait till the Ati release, but people always wanna support the underdog bla bla bla.
It's also just the typical rejection of the change and wish of the "good ol' days" when ati ruled. They are the reactionary nobles, we're the communist students :tongue: . In all seriousness tho, if NV continues to perform top of the line with this card and Ati can't quite edge it out, I'm confident people will come to their senses. I don't even know if it's worth combating the anti-NV bs that it <i>only</i> rips apart every card currently out. Just let it'll fix itself.

SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope you dont multiply


Jun 26, 2001
(As for spitfire, it could very well be holier than thou piracy is ok for me attitude extended to old hardware- technology and forward progression suck! lol)

SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope you dont multiply


Sep 24, 2001
Just because you have a problem with what I say, does not make you better to reply with an insult where you say absolutely nothing about ME..
but alot about the type of person YOU are.

I have my methods.. I have my enemys, I have my friends around here..
but you wont get much respect around here with that attitude.

That um, nice haxor talk was pretty cool. Time to go to bed you have school tomorrow son.

Attacking a person personally for what he's saying is the first and last sign of defeat.
When you grow up, you'll realize that.

Frankly, you could never handle me on an intellectual level and I'd welcome the challenge anytime.
But MAYBE, if ALOT of you gang up and spew disgusting insults your garner some warm feeling inside?

You've wasted enough of my time with your mindless waste of bandwidth.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>


Dec 31, 2007
Some fanbio's kiss Nvidia's butt so much it looks as if Nvidia has dual tongues!

<b>My Computer is so powerful Sauron Desires
it and mortal men covet it, My Precioussssssss!
Mr no integrity coward.</b>


Sep 24, 2001
We'll have to wait till the Ati release, but people always wanna support the underdog bla bla bla.

I understand this. But I think that "support" is different from pretending that reality is different from what it is.

I supported NV for two long years. I found valid reasons why NV was still worth blowing hard earned cash on.
My posts here document that.

I also bought Radeons when they were clearly the vastly superior choice, and recommended them when it applied as such to a given situation as well.
Last week, my cousin had $100 to spend on a video card.. I said "hands down, 9600 Pro"..
$103 shipped from newegg.

I suppose I just tire of the noobs who have no clue whatsoever.
Give me someone like Ape who at least has schooled me in the past.
I'm kindof tired of clowning around with this chump change I've been up against.

Supporting ATI right now is best done in silence like the more intelligent pro-ATI forum members are doing right now.
It makes sense to do that as NV appears to have the X800Pros name etched on a gravestone just outside Santa Clara.
But no one knows yet about that, its all speculation.
But the 6800 Ultra is a tremendous success and I'm enjoying splatting these little bugs left and right.

t's also just the typical rejection of the change and wish of the "good ol' days" when ati ruled.

Hehe, aye.
Its more of a return to the good ol' days. Because the good ol' days ruled by NV completely eclipses ATIs days in the sun.

In all seriousness tho, if NV continues to perform top of the line with this card and Ati can't quite edge it out, I'm confident people will come to their senses.

Across the web? Yes. In this forum? I would honestly be shocked.
It'd make papa kinney proud, for sure.

I don't even know if it's worth combating the anti-NV bs that it only rips apart every card currently out. Just let it'll fix itself.

I feel like I'm facing the entire Chinese military but they are using fung shei and I'm equipped with a BFG10K :tongue:

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>


I won't even try to tell you not to get cocky. I already know you too well. :smile:

You know my viewpoints about 6800U. It rocks except for the farcry quality which may be fixed soon anyway. But before you bash ATI, just remember they currently have the best card you can BUY. And they have had the best card you can buy for over a year and a half. Also, although I am not very optimistic that X800 Pro will be able to exceed or even match 6800U, it should be available before the 6800U. So just consider that we know little about ATI's next offerrings, and IF they somehow come through and are better than 6800U, then ATI will continue to have the best available card money can buy. Leaving all this ATI bashing/ 6800U praising nothing but big talk that can come back and haunt you.

Is this likely, probably not, or not until X800XT anyway. Like I said to you earlier, even if ATI edges out NV this round, 6800U is looking like a huge success to me. It's been a while since NV has had great performance and Image Quality at the same time. And nobody can deny that this ne NV thang has some serious raw power.

Anyway, a word of caution that I know will go unheard. :wink: AH, ok, I forgot just who I was talking to here. Go ahead and enjoy your fun... while it lasts??

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt


Oct 29, 2002
ATi has always been faster at the same clock speed sinse the first Radeon. rumors are that its going ot hve a 500mhz core, with around 1ghz memory so all this "omgz nvidia rules" talk is kinda premature

those statements hes making are basically the same thing as saying "the Geforce3 owns the Radeon 7200" , if you catch my drift

like i said before Kinney, your ego is too big even if yor somewhat right at the monent (the 6800 pwns all, dont get me wrong) its almost to the point of nauseating .. squashing bugs? common, perhaps these people are just supporting their favorite company , the exact same way you are abrasivly doing at the moment .. at least they have a little bit of a reason to (cards being released in the near future with NDA's), unlike the GFFX supporters who did so just because it was "nvidia"

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>


Sep 24, 2001
your ego is too big even if yor somewhat right at the monent (the 6800 pwns all, dont get me wrong) its almost to the point of nauseating .. squashing bugs?


or you hate it, take your pick! :tongue:
Either way, if Ape can grant me my jubilation, and in his words.. even grant me my strut.. then surely you as his right hand man can grant the same. :tongue:

common, perhaps these people are just supporting their favorite company , the exact same way you are abrasivly doing at the moment .. at least they have a little bit of a reason to (cards being released in the near future with NDA's), unlike the GFFX supporters who did so just because it was "nvidia"

I'm not targeting the X800.. I'm pressuring the fact about the greatness of the 6800 Ultra.
I think I've stated plenty of times that we'll have to wait and see before judging the X800.
I've just said I think NV's got it in the bag, but havent made that a centerpiece.

So what they are really defending is merely ATI itself, as its obvious they 6800 has beaten the best of the previous gen.
It would be easier if they'd just admit defeat, and point to the X800..instead of forcing me to make the ATI crowd start puking.

<font color=purple>I just neutered the cat.
Now he's a liberal.</font color=purple></b>


Oct 29, 2002
if they dont admit it, they are idiots

ok just as long as you realize that hahha

sorry, i shoudnt insult (altho its a little late now) its just your so.. damn.. loud :p

btw , the card being releasd around the end of this month is the Mid-range ATI card, the 16 pipeline high end one is due the end of may

so really.. it sucks we have to wait that long. score one for nvidia for gettin it out sooner than the competition
<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>


<So what they are really defending is merely ATI itself, as its obvious they 6800 has beaten the best of the previous gen.
It would be easier if they'd just admit defeat, and point to the X800..instead of forcing me to make the ATI crowd start puking>

Are people really questioning that the 6800U squashes any card we can buy right now? I haven'e seen anyone say that, maybe jokingly quick 1-liners. It's pretty sad not to give NV credit for making a truely impressive card. it's rocks and yes pawns all. I for one wouldn't even stick my neck out and say I think ATI will match NV with the r420. I hope they do, but it won't be easy given what NV just released.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt