azzazel_99 :
i do not see sli support being lessened by dx 12 considering one of its big capabilities is vram stacking and lessening the load of cpu and dumping more onto the gpu
this VRAM stacking stuff i think it only been said by AMD. but so far there is no actual demo showing it's working. and i think it is not specifically for DX12 as well. what AMD claim back then was VRAM stacking might be possible with low level API. not Dx12 specifically. but as i said there is not even a single demo showing how they work in reality. and then some people speculate it might be possible with SFR.
also some people see DX12 as a nail in the coffin for multi gpu. and to be honest looking at the trend i say that might end up true in the future. even without DX12 game developer already moving away from multi gpu tech when most of their new rendering technique are not working well with AFR. also multi gpu is gpu maker interest to sell more gpu. for game developer supporting multi gpu will not going to increase their sales and they only add more complexity to their games. and with how "day one patch" already part of game development game developer already too busy to fix their own game let alone to add more issues by supporting multi gpu. just simple enabling the multi gpu support was probably not that hard but optimization is different story altogether. nvidia ex engineer mentioned that almost 50% of driver team effort from both gpu maker are to make sure multi gpu able to work properly on existing games. and this is from people that know the most about in and out of gpu hardware.