As it turns out, my card it running at good temps, according to other owners.. I was thinking though, of putting two fans in the side panel (as there are none now); maybe one above the other. That way, one will blow the warm air from the card out, and blow cool air in above to the hsf. Or maybe I'll just put both blowing in. I took off the zalman to see if I did have too much as5 on it, ooooh no, I didn't have enough. As it turns out, the center wasn't making contact at all. So I put some more as5 on both the hsf and cpu and put it back on. From what I can tell, the temp was 2-3 lower than before. I'm hoping in the coming week I'll see my idle temps around 28-30C. A funny thing happened, I downloaded 3DMark05 and ran it getting a score of 13,000+. But for some odd reason I ran it again and received a message saying that it was out of date and my score was really low around 2500+. I downloaded the 06 version thinking I'd just use that, and it said I had drivers that were not supported. So I go to their website and no 8000 series drivers to be found. I guess I'll try and update 05 and use that in the meantime. Btw, those are oem scores. I haven't OCed yet, and probably wont for another week.